Sometimes my Jenni can just be the sweetest ever!! We told Jenni and Joe-Joe about recycling, and how if you collect cans you can get some money for them. Jenni decided she wanted to do it, so we started collecting cans. Joe-Joe helped some, but didn't really get why we were keeping garbage! We finally collected a few garbage bags worth, and Steve took it to the recycling center and got $3.19 (woo hoo!!) In the car later that night, I told Jenni we got the money for the cans, and said that she could have $2 and Joe-Joe $1 because she did more work. Jenni thought about it for a minute and said "You know, I have another dollar at home that I got from the tooth fairy, so I should give Joe-Joe one of these dollars, so then we both can have $2." I couldn't believe it! It was SO sweet!
And then just today Jenni brought home a 'stocking' her teacher gave to her filled with a few pieces of candy. She took them out and had them in front of her. Joe Joe saw them and asked where she got it. She told him from school and he asked if he could have one. Without hesitation Jenni reached down and grabbed the candy cane (not one of the little dinky ones- a normal big one) and gave it to Joe- without complaining or anything! She is so sweet! She really shows us the true meaning of Christmas!!
Where would I be without my cute family??? I don't even want to know!! :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
How Sweet It Is . . .
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:11 PM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"The Best Dinner Ever!"
Joe-joe is so funny! Last night we went up to The Hale in SLC to see A Christmas Carol, and we were running late, so we got a $3 pizza from 5buck pizza. (It's sweet, a medium pizza for 2.99 on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4 and 8 pm) we ate the pizza in the car on the way up, and about halfway to Steve's sisters house (Joe-joe is too young to go to the play, so he was having a pajama party with Whitney) Joe-joe was eating his pizza and he said "Momma, this is the BEST dinner EVER!" I thought to myself, it's kinda sad that my son thinks a cheap pizza (that made all of us sick btw) is the best dinner ever. hmmm. What does that say about my mothering???
I still haven't seen New Moon. Still. Being poor isn't super fun sometimes. I got a blessing a little while ago that said our financial troubles would come to an end soon, but to be very weary of overspending. Steve and I have been SO careful not to spend where it's not necessary (for example, going to 5buck {or as I like to call it 5yuck} for pizza instead of little caesars, saving $2). (And I know what you're thinking - "why not forget the pizza and eat something at home" but we just simply ran out of time, and that was the cheapest alternative) We weren't way overspending before, but still, we've found that we can cut back. I'm surprised how hard it can be though. Like I said- being poor isn't super fun sometimes.
We're getting ready to move our stuff out so Adam and Stace can move in. We hope to be out in our own place in a couple of months at the most. I am so grateful to my parents though for being so generous with their home. What a blessing it is to have parents like mine!
ALAS! I've got to go be a mom now. Have a wonderful day all! :)
ok, thats all.
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:54 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Oh how I love this time of year! It truly is my favorite time of year. I love the music, and the family time, and the tree and the lights . . . I could go on and on, but I won't.
Things here are still pretty much the same. Jenni is still LOVING school. She is doing so well! We got her first report card and she had almost all 4's! (For some reason, they don't do the A B C D grading scale because they didn't like telling kids that they failed. So now they do 4 3 2 1. I'm not sure it's really any different, but oh well!) There were like 31 categories, and she got 27 4's and the rest were 3's. I thought that was pretty cool! She is reading SO WELL! She had to give a talk in primary last week, and I had forgotten about it until Sacrament meeting just before, so I quickly wrote one, and she kinda read through it a little, but didn't have a chance to practice it. Then She told me she didn't want any help. I was little nervous, but I didn't need to be. She did SO well! She only needed a little help with 'Mosiah'. (Although, her talk was about Service, and every time she was supposed to say service, she ended up saying servants. Oh well! They got the idea!)
Joe-joe is getting more and more excited for Christmas. The first time it snowed he ran around the house saying "It's Christmas Holiday! It's Christmas Holiday! It's Christmas Holiday!!" (It was on a Sunday morning, and I hadn't slept much the night before, so I was trying to sleep a little more, and it didn't really help.) He has also started singing Christmas songs. My favorite one he sings is "We wish you were Merry Christmas, we wish you were Merry Christmas . . ." He's so cute!
Steve and I are doing good. Things are still pretty much the same. Nothing really to report about us!
Anyway, I've got to get going, but I figured since I made a new background I should probably do a new post to go along with it! Hope everything is going well out there!
Later Cyber-Sisters! Have a wonderful day!! :)
ok, thats all!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:05 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: christmas time, jenni's talk, joe-joe sings
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pulled to PEDS
Oh, how I love my job! I have decided that I was meant to work in the health care field! Really, I do believe this is my destiny! ("You are my density, I mean . . . destiny")
Every once in a while, an area or floor of the hospital is short staffed, and so they request a PCT or RN from another floor. On Mom/Baby, each PCT takes turns to get 'pulled' to another floor. Most people don't like to be pulled because you're on a floor you're unfamiliar with, and doing routines you're not accustomed to. Tonight PEDS at AF was short staffed, and it was my turn to be pulled. I wasn't super excited about it, but wasn't dreading it since my cute Sister Janice works there. Honestly, I love it here! I really love taking care of people and helping people through difficult situations! On Mom/Baby it's nice because most people are excited to be there. They are at the hospital for a good reason. Other floors- not so much! I got pulled to TCC a few weeks ago, and I didn't like it AT ALL! TCC stands for Transitional Care Center. Basically, it's where older people go when they don't need constant care like ICU or Med/Surg, but aren't ready to go home. (Sometimes, they'll go to a nursing home like my mom did when she had her hip replacement). That particular night it was full of geriatric patients, and I'm just really not comfortable taking care of old people! But here at PEDS it's totally different. I love it! The kids are so cute! It's hard to see the kids so sick, but it's a really great feeling when you make a child, that you know doesn't feel good, smile. It's so rewarding! Jan has talked about having some mom/baby PCT's orient to the PEDS floor too, and I think it's a great idea. I would love to!
We've got a couple of kids here tonight with the flu. It's so sad! The kids are so miserable! It's amazing how strong kids are though. One little girl in particular- she's six ( and she's here with her 3 year old sister, who's also sick!) she's coughing and throwing up and has a fever and to top it all off, she's got juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. When I first went in tonight, she just looked so miserable. I sat and talked with her for a little while, and we kinda played a little bit. After a few minutes I had her smiling and laughing, and I was just amazed! It really just amazes me how strong these kids are! I haven't seen her or her sister cry at all tonight. And it's been so fun to take care of them.
Really, it's such a blessing that I love my job. I like to think of it as a tender mercy from the Lord. As if He were saying "Chelle, I know you don't want to work, but since you have to at this point in your life, I'm going to make it as enjoyable as possible."
What a blessing!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:01 PM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My immune system is BROKEN!!!
So, basically, my immune system is broken. I get pretty much everything I'm exposed to. This is what my month was like- about a month ago I started feeling really crappy, and after the dr. then the urgent care (who sent me to the ER. surprise, surprise.) They said I had the flu (didn't specify if it was regular or H1N1) so basically I was really sick for about 2 weeks, and I missed a bunch of work. Then, just as I was able to start going back to work, I got a small cough. It wasn't a super big deal, so I didn't worry about it. Then one night, I was at work, and I started having weird cloudy spots on my eyes. Turns out, I had pink eye! So I got sent home from work. Then, just as I was getting over the pink eye (still had the irritating cough mind you) I got super sick. Went back to the dr, and lo and behold I had the flu. Again. My dr said that the CDC is estimating that 95% of the influenza cases are H1N1. So, finally I got better from that, but I still have this stupid cough! So, I can say I've had swine flu twice. The second time was AWFUL!! I was so incredibly sick. I've never been so sick, even through all my heart stuff and everything- I've NEVER been so sick. So yeah- I'm done with that.I really am done with that.
At least none of my family got sick. I was pretty proud of that- I had pink eye, and swine flu, and didn't give it to my hubby or my kids!! My hands got a little dry from all the sanitizer though.
Things are going pretty well here. Steve's job is still the same. We'd really love to get a new one, but that may not happen anytime soon. Jenni is loving school. I had to keep her home a couple of days when I had pink eye, and she was SO sad. Joe joe talks so much lately. He is jenni's shadow when she's home. We're so lucky to have two kids that are so good together.
Well, being so sick this month left my house a disaster area, so I've got to go do some damage control! Have a wonderful day all!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 1:22 PM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Back at work . . . .
I'm back at work and guess what . . . . I can take my computer to work again!!! YAY!!! :) I'm super excited about this! My department manager decided that it was ok for us to bring our computers as long as it doesn't interfere with our work. (Originally they asked us to stop bring them to work because some people would play on their computers instead of working, so they told us NO MORE! But it didn't really work because the people that were the problem before never really stopped being the problem. They still brought their computers to work and still played instead of working. so now we can bring our computers to work again. I don't think it ever even phased them!! oh well!)
I've been a horrible blogger lately! I've been so busy! I've been picking up a bunch of extra shifts at work, and there was the whole issue of we thought we were going to move all of a sudden, but that didn't happen. (But we thought for a couple of weeks that we were moving, so we started doing all the planning and looking for an apartment and such. That kept us pretty busy) anyway, we also went to Vegas for a few days. Just the two of us- Steve and I. It was SO much fun!! It was like we were engaged again! He did all the cute 'date' things like opening doors for me and stuff. (He still does that when we're home, but usually you have kids and stuff around so its just not the same!) It was so nice to have a few days together. It felt all too short, but to long at the same time! I loved the vacation time, but I so missed the kids. Steve and I decided that we need to be rich enough to bring a nanny along, and the nanny's friend. That way we could have our super fun time with the kids, but we'd also be able to go out when we wanted. But we wouldn't want the nanny to be just bored so that's why we would want her to bring a friend. **sigh** someday! It's gonna happen, I have faith!
ok, well, time for me to do some work. (I have been working in between writing, I'm totally not the type to slack off at work!)
bye all!! I'll try to not make it so long in between posts next time!
k, thats all! :)
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:36 PM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Friday, August 14, 2009
Some new things . . .
I'm bored with what I had. Here's some new stuff. I got a new playlist from with some of my new favorites. I'm trying to expand my music interests, so there's some songs I've only heard once or twice, I'm trying them out!
This is an old background I used to have. I tried to create a new one real quick, but wasn't feeling the creative vibe. Eh, whatever. This works!
And for those who read Mom's blog when Gibbs says 'Saying sorry is a sign of weakness' he's saying that from a professional standpoint, meaning yeah you messed up- whatever. Stop feeling bad and fix it. Don't waste time apologizing for something you should be fixing! How do I know this? Because on a personal level Gibbs does believe in apology- He said sorry to Ducky for 'retiring' and said sorry to McProbie for not being there when he was accused of murder. So yeah. I just had to give my two bits on that!
Ok, got to go get ready! :)
have a beautiful day all!!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 12:38 PM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I'm looking . . .
. . . for a new couch. We currently have a futon, but it's really uncomfortable, and the pad doesn't stay on the futon very well. So I am currently on the hunt for a new-to-us-couch. I'm checking craigslist everyday, but haven't found anything I like yet, so here's a shout out to everyone out there- if you are buying a new couch and need to get rid of your old one, or if you know someone who is let me know! :)
Things here continue to be great! Jenni and Joe-joe are absolutely hilarious, as usual! I never imagined life being like this. You know- like when I was a little girl and I used to play 'house' it never was quite like it really is. It's so much harder than I ever imagined, but at the same time- so much better and more rewarding than I ever thought possible! I love being a mother! And I love being a wife! Truly, there is no higher calling!
Have a beautiful day today all!
k, thats all!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:16 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I'd rather be a WHALE
So, I saw this at work and thought it was so cute, I just had to post it. Here goes---
(disclaimer- Jan and Jenn, you may not like this! It's not bad but you may not like it!)
"Recently, in a large French city, a poster featuring a young, thin, and tan woman appeared in the window of a gym It said:
A middle aged woman, whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman on the poster, responded publicly to the question posed by the gym:
To Whom It May Concern:
Whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, sea lions, curious humans). They have an active sex life, the get pregnant and have adorable baby whales. They have a wonderful time with dolphins stuffing themselves with shrimp. The play and swim in the seas, seeing wonderful places like Patagonia, the Barren Sea, and the coral reefs of Polynesia. Whales are wonderful singers and have even recorded CD's. They are incredible creatures and virtually have no predators other than humans. They are loved, protected and admired by almost everyone in the world.
Mermaids don't exist. If the did exist the would be lining up outside the offices of Argentinean psychoanalysts due to identity crisis: fish or human? With their bodies, how could they have sex? Therefore they do not have kids either. Not to mention, who wants to get close to a girl who smells like a fish store?
The choice is perfectly clear to me; I want to be a whale!
P.S. We are in an age when media puts into out heads the idea that only skinny people are beautiful, but I prefer to enjoy and ice cream with my kids, a good dinner with a man who makes me shiver and a coffee [or hot chocolate] with my friends.
With time we gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So, we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated, and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my but in the mirror I will think, [holy cow]! Look how smart I am!"
I thought that was super sweet. I'm not chubby, I'm just super wise! Although I'm about 25 lbs less wise that I was 6 months ago! I'm happy about that, but it sounds kinda weird to say 'Yay for being less wise!!!' So I guess when it comes to gaining, it's wisdom, when it's losing - it's pounds!!!! Yeah, I like that idea!
Like I said- 25 lbs down, a whole bunch more to go!!! But at least it's going down, not up!:)
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:00 PM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: weight
Everybody ZUMBA!!!!!
So I'm sitting here at the Fire and Ice Dance Studio listening to a bunch of women doing Zumba! (or would it be Zumba-ing? or doing the zumba? I'm really not sure!) I'm here 'cause my cute sister Emilee owns the studio (and the Saratoga Rental Center it's above) and Ems teaches a Zumba class twice a week. She's out of town, so she asked me to come here and be the cashier/greeter/door-unlocker. I of course said yes cause I really love Zumba, but ALAS! I'm not able to do it today. We had some time issues today, and I didn't have time to go home and change before class started, so I'm in jeans and flip-flops. Not really conducive to Zumba!! I could take my flip-flops off, and do it in bear feet, but then there's the jeans. I can't really take those off . . . that wouldn't be pretty!! :) but YAY for Zumba!! those of you who live here in Utah Valley should totally come! It's Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:30- the first class is free! So come try it out, and if you like it, its a super great way to exercise without feeling like you're exercising! Like I said- I love it, and I hate to exercise! Ok, I'm done with my plug for Zumba!
Things with us are great! We're still going strong. Not much has really changed since my last post. Just, yeah. Things are good!:)
Have a wonderful day all! I'll post a little more when I'm not busy critiquing a possible new Zumba teacher!
later cyber-sisters!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 8:40 PM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: zumba
Friday, July 17, 2009
Update on our lives!
So yeah. I have become just about the worst blogger ever! So, here's a quick recap of our lives lately-
Steve in now a Quality Control Technician instead of a Service Technician. We like it much better because he's now on a Monday through Friday schedule! We LOVE it! It's really nice to have our weekends back! Steve had PRK done a few weeks ago, and he can finally see without glasses or contacts!! YAY!!! It's been nice. It was a little rocky that first day, but it's been great since then!
I passed my CNA test and am now working as a PCA (Patient Care Assistant) as well as a HUC (Health Unit Coordinator - ie a secretary). I absolutely LOVE it. I'm not sure if I've ever written about why I got into the medical field to begin with- so here's the story: I was at the hospital for one of my niece's or nephew's birth (I think it was Ethan) and I saw a PCA come in to check on us, and I thought - thats what I want to do. I felt very strongly that this was the path I was supposed to take! So, I can now say that I've achieved it! (It may have taken me 8 years, but I did it!!!) I have recently finished training, and we've been so busy- so much so that I've actually had overtime on my last two paychecks. Basically I've worked at least 40 hours, and sometimes more for the last 3 weeks, and I've been reminded why I decided not to work full time in the first place! It's just too hard with little kids! It's been kinda hard on all of us, but now that I'm fully trained I won't be working as much. And things are finally starting to slow down too!
Jenni had her kindergarten graduation at the end of May. She did SO good! They sang some cute songs, and had these cute Graduation caps and everything! Jenni is loving summer. She loves to go play with her friends. Her new favorite computer game is Club Penguin, and she's going to start doing chores for money so she can become a member of Club Penguin, instead of just play the free games!
Joe-joe has decided to be potty trained! He literally woke up one morning and decided to go potty in the toilet! He had a few accidents at first, but is doing great now! I couldn't believe it! He wears the cutest little boxer-briefs! ACK!! I can't believe how big he is getting!!!
We're still missing our Lizzy, Flee and Dave who moved to Arizona, but we're planning to go down there this fall, so here's hoping!!!
Anyway, so things here are great. Really, we couldn't ask for anything more! Thanks for all the prayers you've sent our way! We appreciate it!
k, thats all!
later cyber-sisters!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:41 AM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: recap
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Just so you all know . . .
. . . . I am still alive. I just don't seem to have the time for posting lately! Crazy! I used to be so good at updating! ALAS! Not anymore! No more 'puter at work. :(.
Anyway, things are good. I've been starting to feel better, but this new medication they've got me on makes me SOOOOO incredibly tired. Literally, I can pretty much fall asleep at any time! (You may ask, why then are you up at 3 in the am?? my answer to that is- I got home from work, and now I'm studying for my CNA skills test that I have to take later today. ACK! I so don't feel prepared!)
So yeah. I'm not dead. My family is also not dead. Things are good!
K, thats all! I'll post about Jenni's kindergarten graduation later!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 3:43 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, May 7, 2009
*sigh* ok, I guess I have to do it!
I have to officially fire myself! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted! Seriously! So I'm sorry I haven't commented much, but it's just so hard to catch up on blogs when you've been out of the loop for as long as I have! So ALAS! I'm not going to try to catch up, I'm just going to start from whats been posted most recently!
Things are good here. One of the main reasons I haven't posted in so long is I'm not allowed to bring my computer to work anymore! (I know, BUMMER!! I may just start bringing it again anyway, but I haven't decided if my eternal salvation is really worth bringing my computer to work . . .) Also, the power cord to our computer is having issues- not to mention our computer randomly overheats unless I keep ice packs under it! (Hmm. Time for a new computer?? I'm thinking . . . a new iMac! *sigh* one can always dream!)
Work is great. I LOVE it! I'm going to be re-certified as a CNA (finally) next month, so I'll be able to start working as a PCA. I'm very much looking forward to that- since that is the position that originally caught my attention so many years ago! (The reason I started working in the medical field!) I made some super cute name tags tonight, and I'll post pics of them as soon as I can figure out how to get the pics off my phone . . . . hmmmm . . . . .
My health hasn't been super great lately. My endometriosis has come back with a vengeance. I also have an ovarian cyst that has ruptured. Pain. Lots and lots of pain. I'm scheduled for a pre-op next week. I'd really rather not have surgery again, but the alternative is staying on narcotics until I get pregnant again. Not something I want to do. I've done long term narcotics before, and really, that not something I want to repeat- ever ever EVER again. (Withdrawals! SO SO not fun.)
Steve is going to have PRK done later this month. (It's basically Lasik, but altered a little due to some family history of eye problems). We're super excited about this- it will be SO nice not to have to worry about contacts/glasses/eye exams! And it will be nice to have Steve home for a few days! :)
Ok, so I think thats all. I could probably go on, but I think this post is sufficiently long enough.
Have a wonderful day cyber-sisters!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 3:57 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Monday, April 20, 2009
Joe-joe bear!
Here's a post I started clear back on Joe-Joe's birthday (which, btw, was way back in April!). I didn't realize I'd never finished it! So, here (just a little late) is Joe-Joe's birthday post: (AGH! I'm such a bad mom!!!)
My little Joe Joe bear is 3!! I can't believe it! He's getting so big! His birthday was yesterday. We had lots of fun with family. Steve took cupcakes with him to nursery (Steve is the nursery leader with Joe-Joe.) Joe-Joe was so excited. When ever you ask Joe how old he is, he'll usually say six. Occasionally it was seven. but usually he's six. (We're working on three!) Here are some of my favorite pics from Joe-Joe in no particular order!

This one was just a few months ago- we were at Arctic Circle with Flee and Lizzy when they were visiting from AZ. Oh how much we miss them!! But we're glad that they are where they're supposed to be! (I just wish here was where they were supposed to be but ALAS! It's not to be!)
Doesn't he just have the cutest cheesey face!! Really, they both are just so dang cute!!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 2:38 PM 0 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, April 16, 2009
funny honesty of children . . .
So, sometimes the things kids say are just . . . . hmmm. Well, they kinda tend to leave you without words. The other day Jenni was telling us about our neighbors - she was trying to make sure we knew who she was talking about and she said "He's big like mom, only he's wider." Yeah. That made me feel real good. So then we were at the store a little later and I was looking at eye drops. On the other side of the aisle was the weight management stuff, and Jenni picked up this box with a really skinny woman in a bikini. She brought it to me and said "Mommy, you should buy this stuff! Then you could look like Felicia!"
. . . . . . . .
Yeah. Sometimes they just kinda leave you speechless. :)
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 1:54 PM 7 peeps decided to say stuff
Friday, April 10, 2009
Funny Joe-joe
So last night Joe-joe said the funniest thing!! He was watching one of his Noggin shows and I changed it to the Biggest Loser and Joe got upset. He got mad at me, and said "Uhhg! Mom you are so frustrated!" Steve thought it was so funny, he said to Joe- "Joe, are you sure mom is frustrated? Are you sure its not you that are frustrated?" Joe joe said "NO! Mom is frustrated!"
Hee hee! Silly boy! Things are good here! We've been having issues with our computer, so haven't been able to post a whole lot lately. Also, I've recently become addicted to the show NCIS. I had only seen it a few times until about a week and a half ago, and now I can't get enough of it! Seriously! DiNozzo is rather attractive! :)
Anyway, thats pretty much it. I'm going to be designing a background for a friend's music blog. I'm excited about that! but yeah. Thats pretty much it! :)
later all!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 1:49 PM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Monday, March 30, 2009
seriously . . .
I am SO done with snow. I can't believe it! ITS ALMOST APRIL PEOPLE! Arizona is just looking better and better by the hour!
ok, I'm over it!
I realize I haven't blogged in a while, but I'm currently fighting an awful ovarian cyst. And I'm getting a cold on top of that. So yeah. Haven't been in the blogger mood lately. Maybe someday my body will realize that being sick and in pain is really NOT fun, and it'll decide just to not be anymore! Well, at least our insurance kicks in on Wednesday! I never realized how important insurance was until I didn't have it! The only issue is it's Cigna, so we have to go to MountainStar hospitals and clinics. Thats sad 'cause now I won't be able to deliver at AF. (If and when I get pregnant. No, I'm not pregnant right now.) It also means I have to switch my OB, which I am SO incredibly sad about. I could still go to Dr. Anderson, but then I'd have to deliver in Payson! PAYSON! yeah- His office is in Payson, but he doesn't have rights at Timpanogos Hospital, so I'd have to deliver at Mountain View. Um, I think I'll pass. At least I know a lot of good ob's that I can go to!
Anyway, like I said, I'm not pregnant now, so wit doesn't really matter. But I like to think ahead about these things!
Have a great day all!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:06 AM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
ugh! What a week!
This really has not been a good week. Seriously. I'm really just so done with this week. I won't go into a lot of details, but lets just say, I'm ready for it to be next month now! I'm ready for sun, and for warm weather and for vacation time . . .
We're thinking we're going to try to go to Arizona this year for our vacation. We've got a few friends there (namely Steve's best friend, and my best friend.) So we've got a lot of motivation to go down there!
So, like I said, my best friend is now in AZ. (there's a reason I'm not using names. just fyi) I didn't think I would take it this hard! Seriously. I knew I'd be sad, but it feels like my heart has been ripped in two! and half of it is a whole state away! Last time I remember feeling like this was when Steve went on his mission. I guess what they say is true- you don't fully appreciate what you have until you don't have it anymore! Friend, you don't know how much you are loved! I put you right up there next to Steve (in a purely platonic way of course! :P )
I think one of the reasons I'm taking it so hard is also because of what else is going on right now. The other things are really kind of messing with my emotions. I think I would have been able to handle all of these better if they didn't all happen in the same week!
I did get a really nice blessing from Steve a few days ago, which was really comforting. I really felt the spirit so strong that night, and I wrote about it in my journal- I ended up with 10 pages! I haven't written 10 pages in one night since Steve was electrocuted a few years ago! So basically, I will get through this, but it will probably be kinda tough. :(
Miss you friend. Love you even more! :*(
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 5:37 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: missing friend, tough week
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
oh, to love what you pay for . . .
So, once upon a time, I got my hair cut- I asked for chunky blunt bangs, and got WAAAAAY lots of bangs. lots and lots and lots and lots of bangs. And then- even a few more. Let me remind you . . . .
ahhh this takes me back . . . .
to this picture of me playing at my grandma's with emmy- we were playing with some house thing (it may have been a play mcdonalds set) - seriously, I wish I could find that picture! I'm pretty sure emmy has it somewhere, I'll have to see if I can get her to put it in a post . . .
This is, unfortunately, the best I can say my hair ever looked. Really, it just hung there- and the bangs! Just SO many! Usually I wore it in a ponytail with a headband holding the mass of bangs back. (Seriously- the MASS of bangs)
So, I've been wanting to get it cut for a while now- and I finally did it! I don't think I've ever LOVED a haircut as much as I like this one! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I did my own little photo shoot.

I did get better! :)
a little more playing with the editing . . .

A little playing with soft glow

The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:26 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: new haircut
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Daniel-san: you are officially FIRED!!!
ok, this post is officially super long now, so I'll say tah tah! or would it be ta ta. whatever. how about I just say . . .
peace out yo!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 3:39 AM 7 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: silly jenni
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hey all!
How's life out there in the cyber-world? Hope all is going well!
Things here are crazy! I just got home from work. We've been SO busy lately! On Saturday they called and asked if I could come in at noon because they didn't have a secretary- so I did. It was SO SO SO busy. By far the busiest day I've ever worked. We have 13 discharges and 5 admits in a matter of about 3 hours. SO SO crazy! Then Tuesday was a normal busy night- but tonight! We had 8 admits- and all 8 mom's delivered within a 2 1/2 hour period! So, naturally Labor and Deliv. brought them all down at almost the same time! oh. my. glory. So So SOOOO busy! but then, after I admitted the last person- we were full! So then I started on nametags- I made TEN nametags! seriously- by the time I was done my right hand was almost throbbing! But the nametags were super cute! I couldn't believe how many we needed! I had people ask me to make like 4 others, but I had to say no because I was supposed to leave at 2. (as it was I didn't end up leaving until almost 3!) Anyway, love it love it! I really do love my job. even when its crazy busy!
Other than that things are pretty much the same! Jenni is loving school. Steve is doing really well at his job. And joe joe is . . . well, he's just joe-joe!
Life is good!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 4:34 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I ran over a noodle in my car because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
I stole this from my SIL's blog. Thought it was real funny!
Me- I ran over a noodle in my car because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Steve - I jumped on a fork in your bathroom because I'm cool like that. (ow! I don't think jumping on a fork would be that cool . . but whatever!)
Jay-jay - I loved my brother in a hole because I'm AWESOME!
Joe-joe - I licked a smurf sliding down a hill because I'm . . . sweet . . . and I do what I want.
(like Janelle, I edited that last one because I'm the mom, and I can.)
and because my mom won't know how to get this on her blog- here's hers:
Mither-lee's -- I loved a snowman at the dinner table because I'm NOT crazy. (I'm guessing on the shirt color!) hee hee!!
ok, I've got lots more to write, but I'm gonna try and sleep some more. (hopefully this time I will be successful- seeing as how I'm supposed to work tonight!)
Here's the info if you want to do it!
Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my mobile phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbour
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------ - a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an iPod
29-------a surfer
30-------a homeless guy
31-------a llama
What is the last number of the year you were born:
1--------- In my car
2 --------- On your car
3 ----------- In a hole
4 ----------- Under your bed
5 ----------- Riding a Motorcycle
6 --------- sliding down a hill
7 --------- in an elevator
8---------- at the dinner table
9 -------- In line at the bank
0 -------- in your bathroom
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.
Brown---------because I can.
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:32 AM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: wierdness
So much to write about . . .
It's only been about a week, but there's SO much to write about! Firstly- my sweet grandmother has finally left this earth, and has joined my grandfather and uncle in heaven! While I'm sad I won't get to be with her anymore here, I am so glad she's finally Home. She wanted so badly to go, and she passed very peacefully. I am so grateful that Families are Forever, and even though I know I have some things to set straight, I'm glad I have the chance to be with her again. I look forward to being with them again someday. I might also add that this experience has been good for me. I didn't ever question whether or not I would see her again. I just knew. That was comforting. I was asked to play the Organ at her funeral- and even though I totally missed the opening song, it was nice to be able to contribute. (Luckily they had someone else lined up to play prelude, so she was able to play the opening song for me!)

I had another Testimony building experience this week. And this one really snuck up on me! I was on facebook, and I saw a note one of my high school friends had written. He is having issues with his belief in the church, and had posted his feelings about it, along with some video clips from an excommunicated member. He talked about how he's feeling just like this man was feeling, and he wanted people to know. He got so many comments (some nice, and some not so nice) about this. He commented on how sad it made him that some people weren't' even willing to give it a chance. They wouldn't even listen to this man. (basically they were judging him without any knowledge of what he had to say). I have long since decided that I don't want to be one of those people who won't listen to other peoples beliefs, even if they don't coincide with my own. I listened to about half of these video's from the ex-member, and had the most interesting experience! When I started watching it just didn't sit right with me. I was going to turn it off right away, but felt I should listen to more of what he had to say. As I listened there were so many things this man said that just felt SO wrong. I finally turned it off when I felt I had given it enough of a chance. I walked over to my sink to do the dishes and started thinking about what I had heard, and I just had the most overwhelming feeling coming over me that the Church is true. I mean, I already knew that- but it was a reconfirmation of that knowledge. I really hadn't expected it! I felt so strongly that I belong to the Church and I was where I was supposed to be in life! It was incredible! really, so unexpected!
Anyway, so thats our busy week. I'll miss my grandma, but again, I know I will see her again. And I may not be able to go to work tonight because of my stupid bronchial thing, but I feel that this won't be long term since we caught it fast- and they put me on two heavy duty antibiotics, so things should get better soon! And, THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!! I know that. With all of my soul I know that.
That feels SO good!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 6:13 AM 1 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: feels good, grandma, saying goodbye
Friday, February 27, 2009
Holy Crud! She's 6 already!!!
Seriously! Jenni turns 6 today!! I can't believe it! Where did the last 6 years go?!?!
ok, I'm over it now. time to brag a little!!
My little Jay-jay is not so little anymore! She is so sweet, but really has an independent side! She can be almost as stubborn as me! Ack!
Jenni came to us 10 days late- she does everything her way! She was born by emergency c-section for lack of oxygen. She was such an easy baby! She didn't cry very often, and when she did, we always were able to calm her down quickly.
When Jenni was 9 months old she fractured her skull. That night is on my top 10 worst days of my life. It was so scary. The Lord had other plans for her though, so miraculously there was no permanent damage.
Jenni says the funniest things. One of my favorite things she said: when Jenni was one we used to play the 'boo' game where we'd try to scare each other by saying boo suddenly. She was so cute at it! One day we were sitting in the kitchen, and Jenni walked in. She said all non-challantly (in an almost bored tone) "*sigh* Boo guys." It was SO funny!
I really can't believe she's 6 already. It doesn't seem like its been that long! Where does the time go??? Below are a bunch of my favorite Jenni moments, in no particular order. She loves to play the piano, and I'm going to start teaching her soon! (She's been begging me for a few months)









Baby Jenni!! She LOVED that swing! She would sit in it while I taught piano! She was never a problem while I was teaching- something I was so grateful for!




The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 8:39 PM 1 peeps decided to say stuff
Just wanted to take a minute to say welcome home to our favorite soldier!!! "Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great." -Comte DeBussy-Rabutin




He fights for faith
In so many ways he's our symbol of strength.
Not because he wants to.
Not because he's forced.
But because he is
A Selfless Soldier."
We love you!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:24 AM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Time for new music!
So yeah- the chipmunks are super fun for about 3 minutes, then they just get to be a little too much! My kids sure do love them though! Time for new music!
So lately Steve has been playing the Sega with Jenni (for mom- the Sega is like a Nintendo) They play Street Fighter, and seriously- Jenni totally kicks Steve's trash! She beats him almost every time! Even when Steve cheats! She is her mother's daughter!
My Grandma has been having issues, and is ready to die. I'm going to do a whole post about it later when I'm not so tired.
Work was SO busy last night! I ended up staying until about 4:30 because we were so busy. I like it that way- but really, the first couple of hours were CRAZY! So so crazy! I didn't have a chance to even start my routine 'tasks' until almost 9. (I usually have these done before 7!) Anyway, It was super busy, and I stayed late- but I was tired so I drank a couple of Coke's, and then when I got home I totally couldn't sleep! So now it's almost 9 and I'm SO tired! And I have to work tonight! ACK! I better go take a nap! Enjoy the slower music!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 8:49 AM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Put it to a vote . . .
So, I know that this is like my 5th post in the last 24 hours, but what can you do? When you gotta blog you gotta blog!
I've decided to make a blog for my backgrounds and I am having a hard time naming my new blog. I want something catchy- that can be the url for my blog as well (which limits me since it has to be available on blogspot!)
So far here's my favorites:
[blogname] -- blog title
lovablelayouts -- lovable layouts
designedbychelle -- designed by chelle
preciouspatterns -- precious patterns
tweakthetemplate -- tweak the template
tweakthattemplate -- tweak that template
tweakatemplate -- tweak a template
brightenyourblog -- brighten your blog
tweekmytemplate -- tweek my template
(and yes- I know that last tweak is spelled wrong- it has to be for blogspot 'cause tweakmytemplate isn't available!)
I'm liking the tweak ones. but really I can't decide (can you believe it! Me! Indecisive!! Yeah, I know- blows your mind!)
So give me your input- which one do you like best? Or do you have a suggestion that I don't have listed?????
again, please comment!!!!!!
I'm going to give it a few days, then I'll see what the consensus it!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:36 AM 8 peeps decided to say stuff
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Good To My Baby
1. Put your music listening device on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it makes you look.
4. Title this post what the answer to your last question is.
5. Good luck and have fun!
I had another list of songs here, but they weren't my songs- they were songs from moms ipod and Jenn's old ipod mostly, so I made a list of all my songs and here's what I got:
disclaimer- really these are the songs that came up! I didn't alter it! (except to take out the Book of Mormon and Doc. and Covenants and other scriptures cause I didn't think that was too appropriate!)
If someone says "Is this ok?" you say: "When Grandpa Comes' from The Singles Ward Soundtrack (hee hee! It's only ok for old guys!)
How would you describe yourself: 'Miss America' By Styx (I am so humble!)
What do you like in a guy/girl: 'Simplify' by Ryan Shupe & The Rubberband
How do you feel today: 'The World Will Know' from the Newsies Soundtrack (Yeah, I don't know how to make this funny)
What is your life's purpose: 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)' by Whitney Houston (If thats my life's purpose, then I'm pretty sure my life is fulfilled!!! I've danced with Steve, and I know he loves me!)
What do your friends think of you: 'If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask!' by Shania Twain (Um, yeah- if you want to touch me, ask. I'll probably say no, but you can still ask!)
What do your parents think of you: 'Lucky' by Brittney Spears (I really am so lucky!)
What do you often think about: 'Respect' by Aretha Franklin (R-E-S-P-E-C-T yes. Yes I do think about it!)
What do you think of the person you like: 'Help Me, Rhonda (Single Version)' by The Beach Boys
What is your life story: 'Oops, I Did It Again' by Brittney Spears (HAAA HAAA!!! That kills me!)
What do you want to be when you grow up: 'It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday' by Boyz II Men (So I'm having a hard time letting go of my past???)
What do you think when you see the person you like: 'You're The Inspiration' by Chicago (Oh, SWEET!! Really this is what came up! I love my nubbin! He really is my inspiration!)
What will you dance to at your wedding: 'Tell Her That You Love Her' by Mixed From Emmy (A mix of songs I got from Ems. I'm not really sure who sings it, lemme find out, just a sec . . . oh, Lonestar sings it!) ((and I don't think it was on our wedding CD))
What will they play at your funeral: 'It's Your Love' by Mixed From Emmy (Um this ones by . . . Tim McGraw and Faith Hill) ((oh, thats kinda sweet!))
What is your biggest fear: 'Where You Are' by Rascal Flatts (HAAA!!! I'm afraid of anywhere you are! does that mean I'm afraid of YOU??)
What is your biggest secret: 'A Secret I Can't Keep' by Cherie Call (Hands down, this has to be my favorite! Really- I swear this was the next song- I swear!!! HAAAA HAAAAAA!!!!)
What do you think of your friends: 'The Whole Armor of God' from The New Testament Video Soundtrack (Seminary video songs) (My friends are a great example of the Whole Armor of God!!)
What are you going to name this post: 'Good To My Baby' by The Beach Boys
Yay!! That was fun!!! hee hee! The secret one . . . HA! I really did laugh right out loud when that one came up! I'm gonna go show mom how to do this! haaaa!! haaaaa! That's great!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 12:02 PM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Its official!!
Steve is OFFICIALLY employed!!!!!!!!!
We're just a little excited about this! Steve is working as a Service Technician for DirecTV. They're not sure if he'll be in the Provo office of in the Salt Lake office! But either way! HE'S EMPLOYED!!!!!! And as soon as he's trained he'll be able to use a company van, which means I won't be left home without a car!!! YAY!!!
Of course, that's assuming we can get our car fixed. The place that is fixing it is saying is the distributor, but they just fixed that like 8 months ago. Although they're saying they 'have no record' of that, so now we have to find the receipt. (Which I think may be in the car)
anyway, we'll get it taken care of some how! Meanwhile~ STEVE HAS A JOB!!!!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:20 AM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Friday, February 13, 2009
Fetch, boy!
So, kids really do say the darndest things!! Here's one of the funniest things I've heard lately . . .
Steve was making lunch for Joe-joe, and he asked joe-joe if he wanted chicken nuggets. Joe turned to Steve and said "I told you no! Fetch boy, do you listen to me?"
hee hee!! what a cutie!!!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 3:50 PM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sometimes . . .
sometimes Dad's are just so cute!!! I was at work yester-night and while in the Level II nursery (Basically our NICU) I overheard a new Dad singing to his new son. Really it was so sweet, and then I realized what he was singing- and it just struck me as really funny! He was singing 'Ye Elders of Israel'. It really is fitting- seeing as how he had a little boy, but it was just really funny to hear- in the nursery- 'oh Babylon oh Babylon . . .' hee hee!! seriously cracked me right up! What a cute daddy!!!
Well, its almost 2am, almost time for me to go home!! :) I've already done a whole bunch of other 'time-fillers' including wiping everything in a 40 foot radius down with alcohol wipes (with the exception of the babies of course!) Really, it's amazing how dirty things get! Especially in a hospital! We really are a very clean hospital, but the little things that tend to get forgotten get really dirty (like the phones that don't get used by the secretary, or the table and counter in the break room, or the microwaves, etc).
So, I got a fake wedding ring tonight (an $8.00 one from walmart) I actually really like it. Its got three round stones, the one in the middle just a little bigger than the two on the outside. It's not much, but it's nice to actually look like I'm married! I'm still anxious about my ring. I just really don't know where we're going to get the money to fix it! (since we still owe my 'rents a few months rent and we have to pay a $500 deductible to fix a broken window . . . ) at least I have a pretty one to tide me over until I can get it fixed!
ok, well I have sufficiently filled the last 20 minutes of my shift, and I'm gonna pack up and go home now!! have a wonderful day cyber sisters!
oh, and flee- I'm not sure if you got my text a few days ago or not (you know how retarded my phone is!)- so here it is again:
If you were Wanda I'd SO be your Marianne!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 1:40 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Bummer :(
I am so sad!! A few weeks ago while we were moving I noticed one of the diamonds on my wedding ring is gone! And the ones that were next to it are loose so I can't wear it until we get it fixed! :*(. I cried when I found it! Steve called his mom's cousin in LA who made the ring and he said we could fed-ex it to him, and he'd fix it for us at cost, so thats good, but still. I can't wear it, and I have to ship it to CA! I just don't like the thought that it won't be with me!! At least it wasn't the main diamond, cause that would be real real expensive to replace!
We're still plugging away at the pile of 'stuff' we have to go through. We're doing pretty good though. Everything that the family moved over from Steve's 'rents house is all unpacked and put away. We're now going through all the stuff that was upstairs with us. Seriously, we have WAY too much stuff!!!
I'm at work tonight, but luckily my shifts have been reduced to 8 hours! I really am excited about this- since I can still have a normal life. I get off at 2 am, so I'm usually in bed by 3. I can still get up at a normal time, and I don't have to worry about sleeping in the morning before I have to work. It's nice!!!!
Anyway, I'm gonna go clean stuff now. (Like my desk, phone, computer, etc) I like to have a clean station!
Have a great night. Sorry this post was so boring! I'm just not in a super funny mood. hmmmm. I'll think of something funny to write about, and write more later!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 8:50 PM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Monday, February 9, 2009
So. I read my mom's blog, and there are a few things I need to explain.
For starters, mom said that Steve got a job. Thats not technically true. See he hasn't actually been offered the job- and we didn't really want to tell everyone until we were sure, but, you know, thanks for opening that can of worms mom!! :) (Although Steve just informed me that he did send a 'mass text' to our families- which apparently he doesn't consider me a part of!) [and Steve would also like to mention that he called me before he sent the text. so he's not in trouble!] And when he does officially get that job offer, trust me, I will MOST DEFINITELY blog about it! [And I think I'll just not tell mom so she can read it on the blog- cause then she won't be able to 'steal my thunder' as she put it!! Hee hee! :)]
Secondly I need to clarify- mom said that 'Steve and Michelle' broke the window in the garage. again, not technically true. 'Michelle' had no part in this breaking, and was even against him throwing things out the window in the first place. (Although, you could count flee in that since she wanted to see stuff 'splode too! So you could say 'Steve and Flee' broke the window, but that would just sound weird!)
Steve would like to add that when you decide to throw an old dish network receiver out the window make sure the cord isn't wrapped around the receiver, cause then it won't 'splode. And when you throw the 2nd receiver out the window, make sure the loose cord doesn't get caught on your leg, cause as Indiana Jones has shown us with his whip, when you wrap one end of a whip, or cord, around a stationary object, ie a log, or Steve's leg, the other end tends to make an arc- which in Steve's case ends up breaking a window. Eh. Whatever!
So yeah. Just thought I'd clarify that!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 12:34 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
What it's about: broken window, stolen thunder