A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Funny Joe-joe

So last night Joe-joe said the funniest thing!! He was watching one of his Noggin shows and I changed it to the Biggest Loser and Joe got upset. He got mad at me, and said "Uhhg! Mom you are so frustrated!" Steve thought it was so funny, he said to Joe- "Joe, are you sure mom is frustrated? Are you sure its not you that are frustrated?" Joe joe said "NO! Mom is frustrated!"

Hee hee! Silly boy! Things are good here! We've been having issues with our computer, so haven't been able to post a whole lot lately. Also, I've recently become addicted to the show NCIS. I had only seen it a few times until about a week and a half ago, and now I can't get enough of it! Seriously! DiNozzo is rather attractive! :)

Anyway, thats pretty much it. I'm going to be designing a background for a friend's music blog. I'm excited about that! but yeah. Thats pretty much it! :)

later all!

3 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

HA! Joe. That kid, I'll tell ya...
I love those cop shows too! NCIS is a good one. ::)

Stacey said...

How funny! He is a cutie!

I have watched NCIS a few times,it's a good show.

Corilee said...

NCIS? We have 40 showes recorded. Yeah, we love it too. Joe just got hooked about a week ago himself so you can guess that I have been a fan for some time.

You have to love little kids and the cute things they say. Go Joey!