A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Joe-joe bear!

Here's a post I started clear back on Joe-Joe's birthday (which, btw, was way back in April!). I didn't realize I'd never finished it! So, here (just a little late) is Joe-Joe's birthday post: (AGH! I'm such a bad mom!!!)

My little Joe Joe bear is 3!! I can't believe it! He's getting so big! His birthday was yesterday. We had lots of fun with family. Steve took cupcakes with him to nursery (Steve is the nursery leader with Joe-Joe.) Joe-Joe was so excited. When ever you ask Joe how old he is, he'll usually say six. Occasionally it was seven. but usually he's six. (We're working on three!) Here are some of my favorite pics from Joe-Joe in no particular order!

We go to the Summerfest Parade in Orem every year- this was from last years parade (2008) He's saluting the soldiers walking by.

This one was just a few months ago- we were at Arctic Circle with Flee and Lizzy when they were visiting from AZ. Oh how much we miss them!! But we're glad that they are where they're supposed to be! (I just wish here was where they were supposed to be but ALAS! It's not to be!)

So I don't know what it is about my kids, but they LOVE drawers! This was a few apartments ago. Hee hee! Silly kid!

Again, from the summerfest last year. It was very hot!

I don't really remember where this was taken, but it's just a classic Joe-Joe face. This is what Joe looks like when he's thinking.

Ok, these are a couple of my FAVORITE pics of Joe-Joe. We went to a BYU basketball game. He was probably 18 months or 2 years old at this point. He was trying so hard to see by himself!! Unfortunately, my children never really had a chance at being tall. With me and Steve as their 'rents, they're doomed to be vertically challenged.

Doesn't he just have the cutest cheesey face!! Really, they both are just so dang cute!!!
So yeah. Thats my darling Joe-Joe bear. Happy 3rd birthday (just a little bit late) Joe Joe bear!! Mommy LOVES you! :)

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