A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time for new music!

So yeah- the chipmunks are super fun for about 3 minutes, then they just get to be a little too much! My kids sure do love them though! Time for new music!

So lately Steve has been playing the Sega with Jenni (for mom- the Sega is like a Nintendo) They play Street Fighter, and seriously- Jenni totally kicks Steve's trash! She beats him almost every time! Even when Steve cheats! She is her mother's daughter!

My Grandma has been having issues, and is ready to die. I'm going to do a whole post about it later when I'm not so tired.

Work was SO busy last night! I ended up staying until about 4:30 because we were so busy. I like it that way- but really, the first couple of hours were CRAZY! So so crazy! I didn't have a chance to even start my routine 'tasks' until almost 9. (I usually have these done before 7!) Anyway, It was super busy, and I stayed late- but I was tired so I drank a couple of Coke's, and then when I got home I totally couldn't sleep! So now it's almost 9 and I'm SO tired! And I have to work tonight! ACK! I better go take a nap! Enjoy the slower music!

3 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

I can't believe work was so busy. Was it a full moon? And good tunes. You know how much I love the chipmunks. ;)

Flee said...

I can't believe work was so busy. Was it a full moon? And good tunes. You know how much I love the chipmunks. ;)

Flee said...

wierd. I only pushed the "publish" button once.