A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

So much to write about . . .

It's only been about a week, but there's SO much to write about! Firstly- my sweet grandmother has finally left this earth, and has joined my grandfather and uncle in heaven! While I'm sad I won't get to be with her anymore here, I am so glad she's finally Home. She wanted so badly to go, and she passed very peacefully. I am so grateful that Families are Forever, and even though I know I have some things to set straight, I'm glad I have the chance to be with her again. I look forward to being with them again someday. I might also add that this experience has been good for me. I didn't ever question whether or not I would see her again. I just knew. That was comforting. I was asked to play the Organ at her funeral- and even though I totally missed the opening song, it was nice to be able to contribute. (Luckily they had someone else lined up to play prelude, so she was able to play the opening song for me!)

My grandma is with my grandpa again! She's been a widow for almost 19 years. Absence makes the hear grow fonder!

This week in our house we've been hosting some new additions! namely strep, croup, bronchiolitis and another kidney infection. Since Monday . . . . Steve has had Strep, Joe-joe has had croup, and chelle has bronciolitis and a return of her Kidney infection! Fun for us not really. Needless to say, with our new favorite After Hours Medical and over $200 later, we're all starting to feel a little better! Thanks to Jan and Mom and Daddy for helping us get there until we could make it to payday!

I had another Testimony building experience this week. And this one really snuck up on me! I was on facebook, and I saw a note one of my high school friends had written. He is having issues with his belief in the church, and had posted his feelings about it, along with some video clips from an excommunicated member. He talked about how he's feeling just like this man was feeling, and he wanted people to know. He got so many comments (some nice, and some not so nice) about this. He commented on how sad it made him that some people weren't' even willing to give it a chance. They wouldn't even listen to this man. (basically they were judging him without any knowledge of what he had to say). I have long since decided that I don't want to be one of those people who won't listen to other peoples beliefs, even if they don't coincide with my own. I listened to about half of these video's from the ex-member, and had the most interesting experience! When I started watching it just didn't sit right with me. I was going to turn it off right away, but felt I should listen to more of what he had to say. As I listened there were so many things this man said that just felt SO wrong. I finally turned it off when I felt I had given it enough of a chance. I walked over to my sink to do the dishes and started thinking about what I had heard, and I just had the most overwhelming feeling coming over me that the Church is true. I mean, I already knew that- but it was a reconfirmation of that knowledge. I really hadn't expected it! I felt so strongly that I belong to the Church and I was where I was supposed to be in life! It was incredible! really, so unexpected!

Anyway, so thats our busy week. I'll miss my grandma, but again, I know I will see her again. And I may not be able to go to work tonight because of my stupid bronchial thing, but I feel that this won't be long term since we caught it fast- and they put me on two heavy duty antibiotics, so things should get better soon! And, THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!! I know that. With all of my soul I know that.

That feels SO good!

1 peeps decided to say stuff:

Corilee said...

I almost missed this post because of the next one you did. It's so comforting to read things about my Mother and how people felt about her.Thanks honey.

It's especially nice to have our testimonies reconfirmed like that. Heavenly Father really does care that we know that we know and are not just believeing what others say.

What a wonderful post !!!!

