A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Daniel-san: you are officially FIRED!!!

Ok Daniel. it's on. SO on. You are officially fired. So yesterday when we dropped Emmy's black filmy thingy you mentioned that there was a dance class Jenni could take. Yay, great for dance classes!

Just one problem. I DIDN'T HEAR ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE THE WHOLE DAY!!!!! Seriously!! Every time I turned around Jenni was saying something like 'mom, are you SURE the class hasn't started.' or 'Mom, maybe you should just call Daniel now. just to make sure'. I think my favorite though was "You know mom, if the dance class starts at like 12:20 I might just have to miss some days of school."

Oh my glory! We kept telling, and telling, and RE-telling Jenni that the class wasn't today, and we didn't have time today anyway, and we'd call Daniel tomorrow or Monday to find out when the class was, and that school is more important than dance, so if it is during school, you won't be able to go, but Daniel is smart and he probably wouldn't make the dance class the same time kids were at school and on and on and on and on and on AND ON AND ON!!! I'm not kidding. She talked about it ALL DAY LONG.

So, I think Jenni is just a little bit excited about taking dance. just a little.

She's the cutest little bug! aside from talking about the dance class- she said some other funny things today. We were in the car coming back from Salt Lake, and I'd been listening to KSL. Not really because I was interested in it, but because thats what was on when I got in, and I just hadn't changed it! (I know, I'm getting old! I don't get bored by talk radio!!!!!! ACK!) anyway, so finally after about 10 minutes Jenni says "Mom, can we PLEASE listen to some music now!" as if the talk show was hurting her! So I turned it to the next preset dial, but they were on a commercial, so I turned to the next one- Kbull 93. It was playing a slower country song. She sighed this great big sigh and said "UH, no mom. I want a rock and roll song!"

Apparently my daughter doesn't like country?!? where did she come from??

so then I changed it to my 99.5 where they were playing a song by Three Doors Down. She liked that one. Silly! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love 'rock and roll' as she knows it, but it just struck me as really funny! She then went on to tell me that she was going to be getting drums for next Christmas. I said "really??" she said yes. That Santa would be bringing her drums for Christmas, and she would have got them this year, but she forgot to remember that she wanted drums, so Santa will bring them next Christmas.

hopefully she'll forget to remember that she wants drums next Christmas!

ok, so really Jenni is so funny!! I'm sitting here typing this at 3:30 am cause I can't sleep, and I hear crying. At first I thought it was Joe-joe, since he's the one that cries in his sleep, but then I realized it was Jenni! So I quickly went into her room, and she's sitting on her bed crying! I asked her what was wrong and she said (still crying) "Mommy I just want to be done!" I asked her what she wanted to be done with. she replied "I just want to be done with the tubby!"

hee hee! I kindly reminded her she wasn't in the tubby anymore, that she was asleep. that was about a minute ago. She's now asleep again on the couch. (she just didn't want to sleep in her bed, and I knew if I fought it, she'd stay awake! so I caved.)

oh my jay-jay bug is so much fun! I started teaching her the hand game I used to play with Emmy when I was young- 'say, say oh playmate' with the clapping and stuff. She's really getting into it! she keeps saying stuff like 'how 'bout instead we do it like this!" and trying to change it. I told her we'd try to get the normal way down before we start trying to change it! Here's some pics from after our tubby. She wanted her hair up in a towel like mine! Then we had to take some pics from after we combed our hair. (and naturally we had to take some silly pics!)

ok, this post is officially super long now, so I'll say tah tah! or would it be ta ta. whatever. how about I just say . . .

peace out yo!

7 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

absolutly funny! I love that girl! Cracks me up that she was crying about taking a long bath. Lizzy cries when I take her out! So so funny! I also love that she is willing to miss school if she needs to, to make it to her dance class. HA! That kid is great.

nora.lakehurst said...

She is so funny. And why wouldnt she want to stay in the tubby? Tubbies are the best. Ah I so want to put all my kids in dance. I wonder if they do a family discount,,,, I wonder....

Corilee said...

Is there any way you couldput this in a journal? It is priceless.... and she is so cute. She may seem older to you since Joey is so young and still a baby, but if you think about it, she's still a little girl. Don't let her grow up too fast.

Corilee said...

BTW, would you please take pity on me and change your background so I don't have to try to read with lines interfering? It must be my old eyes but it really bugs me. If not I'll muddle through but it is hard. Thanks, Lubs, Mither

Stacey said...

That is too funny! It's so great when kids get an idea in their head and they won't let it go. :P

I love my tubbys. :D

ems said...

So funny!! Sorry to make your daughter crazy, but I am grateful that you brought that thing up for me. You are a life saver! Hopefully Daniel will get the class started soon.

P.S. Karla said that she wondered if we did family discounts. Just so that everyone knows, any of you or your children are welcome to take any class that carries for free. Just so long as we have other people in the class you are welcome to come!

Mike and Chels said...

Kids are freaking hilarious and I love reading about all the silly things they do! One day I'll get to make posts about my children and all the ridiculous things they do. How exciting. Jenni looks a lot older! Jeez when was the last time we hung out....