A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just so you all know . . .

. . . . I am still alive. I just don't seem to have the time for posting lately! Crazy! I used to be so good at updating! ALAS! Not anymore! No more 'puter at work. :(.

Anyway, things are good. I've been starting to feel better, but this new medication they've got me on makes me SOOOOO incredibly tired. Literally, I can pretty much fall asleep at any time! (You may ask, why then are you up at 3 in the am?? my answer to that is- I got home from work, and now I'm studying for my CNA skills test that I have to take later today. ACK! I so don't feel prepared!)

So yeah. I'm not dead. My family is also not dead. Things are good!

K, thats all! I'll post about Jenni's kindergarten graduation later!

5 peeps decided to say stuff:

nora.lakehurst said...

Thanks for letting us know that you are not dead.

Flee said...

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST!!! Let me know how it goes! And I can't believe that Jenni has already graduated from kindergarten...so crazy!

Corilee said...

I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY BEING TIRED ALL THE TIME ( sorry that was all in caps) I slept through National Treasure when I started on Lyrica for fibromyalgia. It will probably wear off after a couple of weeks.

YAY Jenni!!!

Stacey said...

You're alive!!!

Good luck on your test! I can't wait to see Jenni's graduation pics. :)

ems said...

I guess I'm a little late for saying "Don't get dead" since you just told us you are alive! Well, I'm glad to hear it!

It was good to see you for a bit this weekend. Let's play some time.

Hope your test went well!