A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who knew??

So, I am so random! I had a funny night the other night! Let me tell you about it!
The other night, I had a really awful dream- like really I woke up almost crying- and it took me forever to fall back to sleep. When I finally did fall back to sleep I think my mind was trying to keep thing light and funny or something, cause I had a really funny dream! I don't actually remember the dream that much, but I just remember it being really funny!
What is so funny about the dream you ask?? Well, In my dream I knew that I was dreaming, and it was really SO RANDOM! I remember thinking (in my dream) "Oh, I am so going to blog about this!" I then started to think about how I would write it and everything! Yeah- I was totally dreaming about blogging about dreaming!
Who knew I would become such a dedicated blogger???? Certainly not me!

4 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

Funniest thing ever! I love it!

September said...

You were meant to blog!
And you're good at it.
So, you should definitely keep blogging and dreaming about blogging and then blogging about your dreams about blogging.
Then you could totally blog about your blog that you wrote after you dreamt about blogging. It would be so fun :0

Steve and Chelle said...

oh, September! We are SO friends! I totally loved your comment! yeah, and totally followed it too, thats whats so great! you rock! :)

nora.lakehurst said...

You are so funny. I kept dreaming about Mike off of Dirty Jobs. Now that was a Random dream since I haven't even seen dirty jobs in like four months. CRAZY! Yes you are a good blogger and you should keep it up. You should also keep up the photos and other things like that. I do better if there are pictures to be seen. I can relate better ;). (I am a visonary person I need that kind of help ;) )
Ahhhh time for bed its getting late.