A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

So, you may as well find out sooner, rather than later . . .

So, we were going to wait until we heard something, but since there was a comment made on one of our posts, we probably should tell you peeps whats going on. (No, I'm not pregnant!)
So, it's quite difficult to find a job in the field Steve is in here in this area- with so many college students and stuff! That being the situation, we have been looking a bit farther away later. (For example, the most recent application was for a job in Afton, Wyoming.)
Why is this such a big secret you may ask? Well, if you ask that question, then you don't know the Southern family very well!!! See, every single member of our family - all nine children and their families - and the 'rents still live in Utah County! And, some of the family members- while they have the best intentions- tend to . . . . maybe . . . . um not like the idea of family leaving! I mean, Steve and I are not sure what is going to happen, but there is a possibility that we may be leaving the state! (Sorry Jan and Jenn!!)
Again, nothing is set- we just didn't want people to find out from someone else and think we didn't want them to know!!! So, now everyone can know, and everyone can give us their advice! (cause we'd love to have it- we really would!)
Also, with the job hunt it can't hurt to have too many eyes! So if any of you see any job openings in the communications industry (phone, internet, tv . . . stuff like that)- installing, managing, etc- please let us know!

8 peeps decided to say stuff:

September said...

My advice:
STAY! If at all possible. Can he get a job with L3 in Salt Lake? Spencer's uncle is has been best friends with the hiring manager since they were kids. He told Spencer he would have a job if we could move back but our problem is that because of the housing market we are STUCK!
The reason I say stay is because as soon as you move you're going to make it your goal to get back one day (that's where Spencer and I have been for the last 2 1/2 years). It's REALLY hard to be away from family, REALLY hard. Especially if you end up having another baby. You really want to be close to family for things like that. Another thing is that all of your vacation is always spent going back to visit family. That's not a horrible thing but you never get to go do anything else.
Obviously, your husband needs a job and you guys ultimatly have to do what's best for your family. But if there is any way possible for you to stay in the area close to your family I strongly recommend you do it, even if it means a little less money.

Just my 2 cents.

ems said...

Ditto to what September says!!!

Of course I selfishly want you to stay and hang out with me more since I don't see you very often. However, I also understand the money situation, so if you feel like the Lord is telling you to leave, of course you should do it. We actually have some friends that said they have loved living away because it makes them rely more on their ward and they become incredible friends. So, if you do decide to leave, it could be a good experience for you.

All of that being said, I really do want you to stay if at all possible!

Good luck with your decision, we'll be praying for you.


Stacey said...

Sorry,I have a big mouth. Do you hate me now? :(

Steve and Chelle said...

I could never hate you stace! Never ever!!!

It was bound to come out sooner or later anyway! its all good!

Steve and Chelle said...

'sides, you didn't know not to say anything anyway!

nora.lakehurst said...

WOW! Talk about keeping it silent. OK so now I want to say this. I told Seth about six months ago when he had an opprotunity to go to NYC I told him lets do it if it means better for our family.
Yes we will miss you but if you are going to be doing something that is better for you. I would do it.
Besides maybe you will be a good thing for all them cowboys out there. It could mean that you will grow and have much more understanding of things. Not that you dont just that it will improve that knowledge.
We love you and will support you in anyway we can.
Love ya
ps you have a blog so its like you will still be here.

Steve and Chelle said...

you're so cute Karla! Yeah, I think it would definitly make us stronger, but sometimes the things that make us stronger are really HARD! so I dunno. We'll see what the Lord has in store for us!

Flee said...

yeah, I have WAY too much to say on this subject and I think I would look like a bad guy by saying what I want to say on the subject. If you find a job here though, stay. If not, leave. but since, I have so much more to say about it, I'll tell you in person when I see you!