A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Friday, September 26, 2008

. . . . I can't think of anything clever to put in the title . . . so I won't.

So, really I don't actually have anything interesting to blog about today. But I thought I'd get on and prattle on about nothing in particular anyway!
So tonight I was reading comments on my friend's blogs and my mither said something really funny. (Mither is Corilee for those of you who don't know!) It was on flee's blog, the post about Fall and wind! September commented that she loved reading Flee's post 'cause it was so positive and uplifting! Then my mom said:
"Ditto September! You have always been a Sunbeam! You should be the Sunbeam teacher for real. I'll put in a good word with God."
HAAA HAAAA!!! I thought that last line was SOOOO funny! "I'll put in a good word with God!" HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
ok, so maybe it wasn't as funny to everyone else as it is to me, but yeah. I laughed right out loud!
So, really I don't have anything to blog about. I should probably try to get some sleep, since it is after midnight, but working the night shift always messes with my sleeping the day after! So, even though I only slept for about 5 hours when I got home this morning, I am still awake now! oh well, such is life!
Steve is still looking for a new job, although we haven't had any recent success! But, ya know, good things come to those who wait! So, we will continue to wait (and apply like crazy) until the time comes that we may find employment for my dearest husband. (Ok, I really don't know why I'm talking like this. Maybe I'm more tired than I thought!!!)
Ok, ok, ok Flee, you can chill now, I'm going to bed! Right now!!!! I'm gonna go find me some 'Sleep Aid' (thats the knock-off of unisom!)
night all!

5 peeps decided to say stuff:

Corilee said...

Glad you got a good laugh. That helps when things areshakey on the job hunt. We are preying for you to find a good job.

Stacey said...

So Adam told me that Steve applied for a job in good ol' Star Valley. At least it's not too far away.

Good luck,I hope Steve finds a good job soon!

Flee said...

I hope you were ablt to get some sleep last night.and I loved the sunbeam comment, though I would rather not be in primary again...Dave and I have been in primary in some fashion since we got married FIVE YEARS AGO!!! I'm ready for adult time.

I think I finally got some sleep w/o the dreams. (at least I don't remember them if i did dream) I feel more rested than I have for a while, so that's good news.

nora.lakehurst said...

you are funny. And you know what I remember. You and Flee would stay up WAY past one on some occasions and I would hear it. ;) But I hope you get some sleep.
Love ya

ems said...

You're Craaazy! You make me laugh!

It's a good thing your children are not morning people!! How did I get kids that are total morning people? Oh that's right, my husband is a morning preson, guess I should have thought of that when I married him. Oh well, I would still have married him anyway! :)

P.S. I love how you have links to the "people that like us!" on your side bar! How do you do that?