A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun at the Gateway!

Ok, so I promised to put pics up from our gateway trip- so here they are!!! and I'm not feeling super hot right now, so I probably won't write a whole lot.
The fountain! (obviously!)
Steve and Jenni went in to play, and Steve timed the exit wrong . . .
. . . yeah- Jenni didn't like it so much!
Watching the show they do to the Olympic music. Its really pretty cool! Joe-joe thought so too, he had to clap!
Isn't she SO cute! I just can't get enough of her! Love that little squish!
ok, so really- we can read! I totally didn't even NOTICE the sign until I put this picture on my 'puter! But really- we can read. I promise!
Steve and Joe back out in the fountain- Joe-joe totally didn't want to go out at first, screamed a little when they got there, but then TOTALLY loved it!!!! He's so stinkin cute! Look at that grin!!
We were trying to touch the water as it shot up!
Lizzy, Joe-joe and I out in the water!! (No, we didn't get wet!)
Again, the timing was a little off- or maybe it wasn't (I think this time it may have been planned!!!)

Jenni wasn't super excited to be wet, but Joe-joe and Steve loved it!
My son, just chillin' with his daddy! How cute it he- with his little hand in his pocket! yeah- he did that all on his own too!
Yummy, Ice cream!! She got just a little messy! but isn't she darling!!!
on the bus ride home. We were all a little frazzled at this point!
Joe joe and Lizzy both were freaking out just a little- that is until this awesome (and totally drunk) black guy got on. He was SO FUNNY! Really, he kept playing with Joe-joe, and Joe was laughing so hard- like a cute belly laugh, shaking his whole body! And I think I'm finally ready to live in a big city- cause not once was I like afraid for us like I would have been before! (ok, well once I was a little uncomfortable, but thats cause Joe-joe kept reaching out for the funny black guy, wanting to go to him! luckily Flee- who was holding him at the time- was crafty, and kept him with her!) But yeah- the dude kept saying that we had made his day, and thank you and stuff. We tried to tell him that he was really doing us a favor by keeping them interested, but I'm not sure he caught that! He was REALLY drunk. But he was a nice drunk! He asked where the train was going like 7 times "Now, this train is going to Sandy right . . . wait- is this train going to sandy?" He was so funny!
So, all in all it was REALLY fun, but I think next time we'll do it without the bus. Just trax. But we really were blessed with a bunch of really nice helpful people! People that helped us onto and off the bus and train, and the trax operator let us on the handicapped entrance once with our strollers, even though the policy doesn't exactly allow that! But really, its so great to see such great people! It was great.
So yeah. I don't think its possible for me to do a short post. really. I totally said I wasn't going to write much, and now look! It's totally super long!
And mom, I've changed the font color just for you. Yeah, just because I LOVE YOU!
have a beautiful day!
ok, thats all!

2 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

AWESOME! The drunk guy was my fave. Nice pics too! Lets do it again. Soon...ish...

nora.lakehurst said...

You are so funny. I love all the pics chell.