A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Friday, September 19, 2008

stupid, dumb old insomnia. dumb, dumb insomnia. really. it's annoying. I never used to have insomnia! whats wrong with me???

And to answer your question - No, I am not pregnant. bummer. and I'm still awake. Double bummer!
I'm sitting here on my bed- being unable to get any sleep- and trying to decide what to do that might make me tired. I've tried counting, like just plain counting. But that doesn't work. And really, why do people count sheep to try to sleep?? That so does not make sense to me!
So then I tried TV, and usually I can find some show I've seen a million times and just have it on as background noise, and I can sleep just fine. Not tonight. Even though I've seen each of the Kim Possible episodes I watched probably 20 times, still I am awake? Why?
So I started thinking maybe just laying in the dark will help . . . . . .
**imagine darkness for like a half an hour here **
Nope. Still awake. Stupid insomnia.
So onto bigger and better things! My cute flee friend came over and helped me clean my house today (well, let me rephrase- my one room- cause thats all we have . . . for all of us . . . Me Steve, Jenni, and Joe-joe . . . yeah- we're a little squished! but hey- the rent is nice!!) We got it looking much better than it did- but its still not clean. (Yeah- I know- really sad that it was that messy!) She's coming back tomorrow to help me finish. What would I do without her?? I mean really= she is like my air, my sun! I couldn't live without her! (so basically- don't die anytime soon Flee. Thats an order!)
I was really hoping September would have posted the winner of her bag on her blog today . . . but ALAS! She has not. Not yet. But she has two kids, and one on the way, so really- she's probably super busy! So I'll try to be patient! (Yeah, patience isn't one of my best talents! It used to be, and then I had 2 kids. yeah, buh-bye patience!!!)
Steve just rolled over and said "You blog too much!" Yeah. I probably do. and I can't stand having the computer screen as the only light, so I have my lamp on too, and thats keeping him awake. So, looks like another try with just darkness! or maybe more kim possible. hmmm . . . .
I think darkness is going to win, cause Steve has to get up early. (and really, so do I cause I have to get Jenni to school! It was nice having Steve home today, cause he took her to the bus, and picked her up! What a guy! He's so way too good for me! And he treats me so great!)
ok, well all you fellow bloggers, have a great day! and hopefully I won't sleep in too late!!! (Hey Flee, if you read this before like 10:45 am, call me and make sure I'm awake to go get Jenni!!)
good night all!!

5 peeps decided to say stuff:

September said...

I think Steve is wrong. You don't blog too much. I think it's just right.
Oh, and can you e-mail me so I can have your address? My e-mail is on my blog.

And Flee, you could totally come to my house and clean if you're really feeling ambitious :0

Okay, gotta go take a nap now.

Flee said...

ok, first off, Chelle, I'm now reading New moon! where have you been, I finished Twilight hours ago...I agree that you don't blog too much. And just an FYI, remember that using a computer when you can't sleep on ly make sthings worse?!?!!? They've done studies. (am I the only one who wonders who "they" are?)

September~I'd love to go to your house and clean! It would be a great excuse to visit! WOO HOO! Maybe I'll be michelle and it could be a fun reunion of sorts! YAY!

Corilee said...

You could always come down stairs and sit in the living room with your laptop. Who knows, I may be awake and we could commiserate.

Corilee said...

BTW who is September?

Steve and Chelle said...

September is our friend from way back when! (Like, way back to when Flee and I were roomies with Melissa!) She's super fun! We like her!