A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Funny Quote

Ok, let me just state for the record that although it is 12:14 am I am at work, so I HAVE to be awake right now!!! So Yeah. Flee can't get mad at me for posting or commenting tonight!!! yay! (Really flee, it doesn't bother me that you get mad at me, I just have to rag you about it!!! but keep it up Ms. Enforcer!!! I need it!)
So, I'm at work, and there's not a whole lot to do right now, except decorate name tags~ which I greatly enjoy doing ~ but I got my 'puter out to put some music on, and decided to check blogs. So here I am with a short post!
I found this quote on September's blog (For those of you who don't know her, there is a link to her blog on the right side of my blog. She's a great blogger, you really should go read it!) I really laughed out loud at this quote!!! It is SO my favorite read of the day! so here it is:
I have CDO.
It's like OCD but with the letters in alphabetical order like they're supposed to be.
HAAA HAAA HAAA!!! That is my favorite!
So, really not much else is going on! I am so incredibly super bummed that my cute Flee friend is going to be out of the country for two whole weeks. Pshaw! What is that about! Like she really HAD to go to Canada, eh. What-like-ever! No, just kidding. But really, I am so bummed that she's gone for so long! What will I ever do!! (Who does that remind you of Flee "What am I going to do without you for the whole weekend???" your reply "Uhh, the same thing you did last weekend!!!" Hee hee!) ok, I'm done now.
So really, I should probably get back to work now! I hope you had so much fun reading my boring blog!! Ok, thats all!

4 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

only had time to read the quote. and YES! Very funny! Miss you!

Stacey said...

I've heard that quote before,love it!

Sorry you are going to be without Flee for a few weeks. Karla went through withdrawals when I went to Hawaii because she loves me so much! ;)


ems said...

I saw that quote yesterday also, but I can't remember where. Very funny though! We should play sometime, especially since Flee is out of town.

Lub, lubs!

Flee said...

Yeah, awkward. I'm still here. But nice that you have such an awesome, supportive family! And as for the whole "what am I going to do w/o you?" comment...I don't get it! Why do I get all the weird stalker types? I ask myself, "Is Dave any different from the others?" I answer, "YES!" kinda.... :)