A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bug and a half.

So, sometimes people just bug me! They really get under my skin! They just do these things that really hit a nerve! Really stupid things for example. Here is a story that recently REALLY hit a nerve.

I know a woman who was having abdominal pain, and went to the ER 3 times here in Utah county, and then again in St. George where she lives. All 4 times the Dr.'s wouldn't do anything because they said she was just a drug seeker. Finally the 4th time the husband put his foot down. The Dr. flat out said to the husband that he wasn't going to do anything because she was a pill popper. The Dr. said "We can do thousand dollar test after thousand dollar test, but we're not going to find anything." The husband insisted that they do the tests anyway.

It turns out she had a massive infection- and here's the reader's digest version of what happened- she was waiting in her ER room to be admitted to the hospital when things turned really bad- she was life flighted to Intermountain Medical Center in SLC while her hubby was basically told to say goodbye, 'cause things were that bad. They told him there was a risky surgery they could try but she might not make it through the surgery. The did the surgery, and found 2 huge infections in her body. They emptied 4 liters of infected fluid. 4 LITERS!meanwhile her body started to die so now she has to have all her fingertips amputated, and one of her legs amputated (just below the knee). She may even loose the other leg too. And all this because the Dr. had a preconceived notion that she was a seeker. I'm thinking there's a lawsuit in the making here.

I'm not saying that the Dr's should give seekers drugs- definitely not. And I know they have to be careful because there are so many seekers out there. I'm saying that when a patient presents to the ER, don't just assume nothing is wrong and send them home. Do some actual TESTS.

I had this happen (on a MUCH smaller and less agonizing scale) to me recently. I was at the ER, and the Dr just assumed I was there for pain meds (which I hadn't even asked for, and wasn't going to ask for btw) so he didn't do any tests, consequently he totally missed the infection that was 'ravaging' my body as my PCP put it. And I spent even MORE time throwing up, in pain, and loosing more weight than was healthy. Did I feel good about that??? not so much.

My PCP said that he couldn't believe they didn't catch this, or put me on some kind of antibiotics. He now has me on 2 heavy-duty antibiotics for the next few weeks.
Yeah. Sometimes, people bug me. Thats all.

5 peeps decided to say stuff:

Stacey said...

OMGosh,that poor lady! Yeah,I definitely see a lawsuit there. It's to bad all of the drug seekers have made it so hard for those who are REALLY in pain to get the help they need.

September said...

What a crazy story! (I love the pictures btw).

So are you starting to feel better yet? I hope so.

Unknown said...

Wow, I hadn't heard about the leg amputations! Last I heard was the fintertip amputations. At least she is alive! I feel so bad for them!
Michael and I are to the point where we just tell them to start with the heaviest duty antibiotics and do all the tests upfront. Ugh, I'm so SICK of all the doc appointments and all that crap. I have to go to a urologist next week and be checked for bladder tumors or fissures. Fun, huh? I'm sure it will be fine, but it is still a little stressful.
Glad they finally got you on some meds. Hope you feel better quick!

ems said...

What?!? Her leg too!?! How sad. Glad you got something to help you and you are starting to fell better.

nora.lakehurst said...

WOW!!! Where did you hear this? Yeah I have stomach pains too. I am worried now ;) Anyways yeah Im a pill popper, drug seeker too. LOL no I really am not. Love ya and hope they can find out what is wrong with all of us.