A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Friday, October 10, 2008

work work work work work work work work work work work work work

so, I don't know if you can tell from my title, but it kinda feels like all I've done lately is work! I worked Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, and I'm working again tonight. ACK! What a long week! I guess it's good though since Steve still has not found a job. (Not for lack of looking.) Looks like we'll have to start looking a little more aggressively out of state. bummer.
I was so excited when I got on to read my comments! My good friend Abby found me! YAY! And from her I found Amy (formerly Tregaskis) and David! And from Amy I found her sister Michelle, and from Michelle I found a bunch of people from my old ward in Orem- the ward I grew up in! YAY FOR BLOGSPOT!!!! it's so my favorite website right now! (now I just need to find Heather and Reba! anyone know where I might find them on blogspot???
And, by the way Karla I did finally get your message about piano lessons. Sorry I haven't called you back. My phone is having serious issues right now! For some reason it doesn't give me some messages until like a week later! So, call me again or I'll call you and we can chat about piano lessons. Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, could you ask Rana to invite me to her blog??? I'd really love to keep in touch with her as well!!! please please please!!!! Maybe you could have her send the invite to my gmail account. (chelleblynn@gmail.com)
ALAS! This post isn't going to be very long since I have to work tonight, and Joe-joe is FINALLY taking a nap. (I know, early nap. long story) so time for me to take a nap before Jenni gets home from school! I'll write more later!
And remember, I LOVE COMMENTS! so comment lots and lots and lots!
ok, thats all.

8 peeps decided to say stuff:

Flee said...

YOu are such a fruit cake! And I love that about you. If anyone wonders about her phone, I can vouch for Michelle, I had the same phone and had so many of the same problems until mine finally died about 6 weeks ago.

Jenn said...

I'm sorry you've been working so much! You must be so sleep deprived. I'm so glad that you love what you are doing though.

If you are going to possibly be moving out of state, we have to play more often while you're still here! I can't remember the last time we got together. Call us and let's set up a time!



Stacey said...

Wow,that is a lot of work! Gosh,I don't know how you are functioning.

Yay for finding old friends. :)

nora.lakehurst said...

Gosh you just got my message. What am I going to do with your phone??? JK No its okay I dont mind. Ethan is self teaching himself its really cute.
So I was like I wonder how much you charge. So yeah no worries if you can't I am just trying to figure out if we can afford it.
YAY for finding friends. And I sent Rana your email a while ago. I am not sure which one but I did send it to her. So you might want to check your other Email .
Well gosh Abby and Amy and everyone else huh. GOOD for you. Maybe I can get to see them too. But would they want to see me??? Love ya

Lo said...

Hey - glad you found our blog and glad we have your now. If your looking for jobs out of state you could always check out AZ...we're enjoying it! Cute pictures and cute kids!

Rana said...

I Miss YOU!

ems said...

SIlly girl, you are gonna kill yourself right off, and then who would be my little sister. Wait, then I would be the youngest and get all of the great things that go along with it instead of being one of the middle children who get "lost in the shuffle" as mother always says. Well, as nice as it would be to get the privilege of being the youngest, I think I'd rather have you around, so don't get dead!


Carolyn~ said...

This is great news! What a great opportunity to move to Virginia and continue our BFF status! So, ONLY jobs in Northern VA, okay?

Seriously, hopefully you guys find something soon cuz that is going to wear you out!