A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lehi Parade, and Emmy's float

So, every year pretty much each city in Utah county has some sort of festival thing. Orem does the Summerfest (see post below) Pleasant Grove does the Strawberry Days (ALAS! I missed it this year- had to work.) Well Lehi does the Rodeo Days. Lehi city and The LDS wards in Lehi have some sort of agreement. Apparently Lehi won't allow any alcohol or tobacco adds in the parade as long as the wards in Lehi will all sponsor a float. So Emilee (chelle's sister, aka emmy) was the assistant float director (or something along those lines). We decided to go see her float, so we could support her for all those LONG hours she spent on her super-super cute float! They won 3rd place! (although, I thought her float was much cuter than the first two. Especially the 2nd place one, seriously. It was cute but not anywhere NEAR as cute as emmy's. The first one was pretty good though!) Any who, here's some pics from the parade.

Every one loves the Fire truck of course!
So, for those who didn't hear, in case you've been like under a rock or something (or living outside of Utah like September) Captain Terry of the Lehi police department was shot twice in the head just a few days before the parade. There were all kinds of banners, and things giving their support to his family. It was really very touching!
I had to put a pic of the Army in for Flee! We Love out troops. Again, I was very touched at this point. While the troops were carrying the flag, everyone started clapping and shouting thank you's and stuff. It was nice to hear! Just as a side note- to all of you who have made sacrifices and sent family or friends out, Thank you so much. I have to say a very special thank you to Dave and Flee and all their family. Flee is very special to me and my family, and we are so grateful for her and Dave's sacrifice for our country. We know they will be extremely blessed for all that they are giving up. And Lizzie will be so very blessed for the time she's missing now with her Daddy.
Joe-joe bear got a little bored waiting for the floats to come. At this point in the parade there were just a bunch of VIP's sitting on cars, and stuff.
So! Finally here comes Emmy's float! (I would have gotten pics of the first two, but Jenni was playing with the camera) Apparently Emmy is in the Chappel Valley 2nd ward!

The theme was Johhny Appleseed. It was SO cute! I mean, even cuter in person! All the kids were wearing these cute straw hats, and they had these potato sack bags. It was great!

Here's Emmy (in the pink hat) and Aunt Jenny (in the straw hat) Jenny is assuming her natural position- hand raised, camera poised, and taking a picture! (Jenn is known as the family photographer/journal-er if ever you need a picture, or a fact from a certain event, ask Jenn. Odds are she took pictures and wrote about it in her journal! It's great!)

The end of Emmy's float! At this time we decided it was time to go because we were BAKING. It was SO hot. I got SOOO sunburned- but only on my left side! ALAS! Such is life. Jenni decided she wanted to walk the rest of the parade with Emmy, Jan, Jenn, and Emma, so we ran and caught up with them.

Once we were done, we all started collecting all the bags and hats. Then we sent all the kids to the grass, and they all got popsicles. Jenni was having lots of fun with Emma!

So, the parade was super fun, but we didn't stay for all of it! We wanted to get over and help Flee move into her new apartment (YAY!). But it was fun. It's always fun to see the kids watching the parade. They get so excited!

So yeah. thats all!

2 peeps decided to say stuff:

nora.lakehurst said...

FUN FUN! I was wondering what the float looked like. And of course as always Emmy did a fabouls job!

Flee said...

So cute! Tell Em I said Nice job on the float. totally deserved 1st place! Love you guys!