A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Which one are you?!?

Thoughtful and loving. Authority figures probably have been sheltering you all of your life. Thankfully you're a very tranquil person who is content with what life has given you, but secretly you want to know how the outside world works.
So, I took the "Which Disney Princess are You?" quiz, and I apparently am Aurora. I was pretty ok with this. I like aurora. And really, could they have been any closer to me?? I definitely have been sheltered all my life, and secretly, I do want to know how the world works!!! But thats not so secret anymore is it. hmmmmm
If you'd like to take the quiz, the link is on flee's blog.
ok thats all.
Well, not really. I'm sure some of you've heard the song from Cars 'Real Gone'. ("I'm american made, but I'm not Chevrolet, my momma taught me wrong from right . . . .") Well, Sheryl Crow sang it for the Cars soundtrack and she did awesome. But I was watching the Disney Chanel with my kiddies and Billy Ray Cyrus has re-done it and he totally says the wrong words. He says "I'm American made, apple pie, chevrolet . . ." Yeah. Whatever! I don't like his version. Not my favorite!!
But you don't really care about that. so I'm gonna go now!

4 peeps decided to say stuff:

nora.lakehurst said...

I see... Sorry that Ray ruined the song for you. But I hope you still listen to the original.
Things here are crazy but I am getting better. You guys should come down sometime and see our abode. We would love to have you guys over one time.
Love you

Stacey said...

Gosh you would think he would have checked the words before he recorded the song. ;) I guess he wants to be chevrolet. I know what you mean though,I've had things like that bug me too.

Flee said...

Wow. They were right on with you. So, does that mean that I really am like Snow White? mmmm...frozen blueberries and FF milk. so good. so good. :)

nora.lakehurst said...

So HELLO where are Jenny's first day pictures!!!!