Hi peeps!! I don't have time to do a long post and tell the whole story, but our baby is finally here!!! She was born today, Dec. 9, 2010 at 1802 (6:02 pm). She weighed in at 5 lbs 14 oz and 18 in. long. She's super cute, and actually has hair!! Imagine that! :)
Unfortunately, she inhaled some meconium, so she's in the NICU now, and I'm about to go see her. I'll write more later. I tried to upload some pics, but it won't let me!! ACK! I'll figure it out when we get back!
Later all!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Oh-so-adorable not-yet-named new baby girl!!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 7:54 PM 6 peeps decided to say stuff
Saturday, October 2, 2010
How sweet it is . . .
I absolutely love conference. Every year I look forward to the spiritual feast that conference is. Today's sessions were fabulous. I think my favorite talk from today would have to be Elder Richard G. Scott's talk about character and faith. He talked about how character and faith interact to strengthen each other. I never really thought a lot about character and how it relates to religion, but it really sank in today. My favorite quote from the talk (and the day really) was this:
"We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become."
I loved this. It really hit home for me.
A few other quotes I liked are listed here (in no particular order - oh, and I'm not sure who said each one, I just wrote down things that impressed me.) Some of them aren't direct quotes, but rather the impression I got when listening.
"The road of discipleship is not for the faint of heart."
"The bedrock of character is integrity"
"Sometimes things go wrong, even when we've done our very best."
"Pornography is a weapon of mass moral destruction."
"Your testimony, when nourished, will keep you safe."
"The decision to chose faith is yours and yours alone. No one can make that choice for you."
A few conferences ago we started having Jenni sit and listed to 2 talks, and write what she heard/felt. This year, Jenni had a hard time at first. She was trying to write exactly what they said, and complained that they were going too fast. I told her she didn't have to write what they said, but write what she thought about what they said. Here's what she came up with- all by herself by the way. She had no help from me (except asking how to spell some words) and I was once again very impressed with how well she listened, and how spiritually minded she really is!
Here are her notes:
In case you can't read them for some reason, here's the text from her notes (I didn't correct her spelling mistakes 'cause I thought they were super cute!)
"I will choose faith. I will choose to repent. I will choose trooth. I will not choose to follow Satan! I will follow Jeses."
This is another testament to the idea that by small means great things can come to pass. Out of the mouth of babes- truly she never ceases to amaze me! I am looking forward to seeing what kind of girl she will become (although the thought of raising her in this world still terrifies me. I wish the Savior would come now!)
Well, it's super late, and I'm super tired. I don't want to have to doodle during the sessions tomorrow like I did today to keep myself awake, so I'm off to bed. Good night all!!!
k, thats all. Later cyber sisters!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:44 PM 6 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, September 16, 2010
just a quick thought . . .
I came across these quotes today and really liked them. I wish I could post more, but I have to go get ready for a job interview! Wish me luck!
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
"The happiest people don't always have the best of everything; they make the best of everything that happens to come their way."
I have no idea who said either of these quote, but I really liked them!
K, thats all!! Have a wonderful day all!! I'll get to see my newest little niece later today (assuming my sis isn't going to be in labor all day!)
Peace out!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:10 AM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I'm looking . . .
Hey all! Can't post a whole lot right now since I'm still getting Jenni ready for school, but I have time for a few quick things.
First, a quick update- I (finally) got the cortisone shot for my tailbone! I was super scared cause everyone I talked to said it hurt super bad, but I guess they didn't get the lidocane shot first, cause it really wasn't that bad. (And I'm a wimp, so it REALLY must have not been that bad!) My back was really sore for the next day but apparently thats normal. It has really been a liesaver. It takes a few days for the cortisone to start working, but it has really helped. I'm hopeul that my life will get back to normal! What a blessing modern medicine is!
Jenni is loving 2nd grade, and seems to have a really good teacher this year. Joe-joe is still so very ready to go to school, and tells pretty much everyone he meets that he'll be going next year! (ACK!) He's also determined that this baby is a boy, not a girl. He told me the other day that he wouldn't love her if it was a girl! Silly kid! Steve's doing good. He's currently taking a math class that is going SO much better than the last math class he took at UVU. I think the lowest score he's got on a test is like 96%. So thats awesome!
Other than that things are going great. We're just plugging along! I've been looking for a crib (ours got destroyed one of the times we moved) so if anyone has a crib they don't need, or knows someone who has a crib they don't need, we'll be glad to help give them more storage space! We're also looking for a car seat, but I'm super picky on this point. I won't use one thats over 5 years old, and I won't use one thats been in an accident. But if you know of a carseat that isn't old and hasn't been in an accident that the owner doesn't need, let me know!!
Also, since my job hunt isn't going well . . . or rather isn't going at all pretty much, I've decided it's time to start teaching piano lessons again. So if you're interested, you can see my ad on craigslist at by clicking HERE. It's got all the info you may need. Alas, since my family is so big, I cannot offer free lessons to my Nieces and Nephews. I would love to be able to, and maybe someday I will, however since I'm doing this to support Steve's income I just can't give free lessons. I hope everyone understands!
Anyway, I've got to get Jenni out the door. Have a wonderful day all!!
K thats all!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 8:34 AM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Elective Epidural?!?! ELECTIVE?????
(disclaimer- if you're male, you might not want to read this! I'm just saying!)
So, I'm kind of a newspaper junkie, and since I can't do a whole lot right now (due to a broken coccyx) I read a lot! This morning I'm reading the paper and I notice the headline "To save on Medicaid, cut elective childbirth procedures." My interest was piqued since I have worked closely with many many childbirths. So I'm reading the article and it's basically saying that because there are so many college students in Utah having babies who are on medicaid, we should cut elective childbirth procedures such as 'elective epidurals and elective c-sections.' I was dumbfounded! I had to read it again to make sure I read it right. I was sure it was a misprint until I read further. I was not at all surprised to see that all the people in support of this bill were men. I mean, I get cutting elective c-sections because they are twice as expensive as vaginal births, besides most ob's won't do 'elective' c-sections. (I know. I asked when I was pregnant with Jenni because, really, the idea of something that big going through a hole that small just never really appealed to me!) Some ob's consider a vbac elective (vaginal birth after c-section) but luckily for me, my most wonderful ob did not consider a second c-section 'elective' for me since I have a dysfunctional cervix.
Anyway, I was talking to Steve about this beyond stupid idea that epidurals should be considered 'elective.' It reminded me of my first (and only really) labor experience. Jenni was 10 days late. I was at my brother's house playing games when I noticed a little trickle 'down there'. But it was so small I didn't think anything of it because everyone I had talked to had said 'Oh if your water breaks, you'll know! It's like a huge gush!' My brilliant beyond brilliant sis-in-law (props to Janelle) told me that it really isn't always like that and maybe I should call labor and delivery just to see what they thought. I did so and was told to come in and be checked out. Turns out it was my water breaking, and they started me on pitocin. I told the nurse I wanted an epidural, but she told me I had to wait until I was dilated to a five before they would do an epidural. Me, not knowing any better, figured that was just the way it was. I started contracting at midnight, and by 8 am I was only dilated to a 2, and that was only because the nurse came in and stripped my membranes, basically making me dilate. (dumb old dysfunctional cervix) anyway, around this time I was bawling because it hurt so bad, and I was throwing up from the pain. This is what my wonderful ob walked in on. He asked me why I hadn't asked for an epidural, and I told him what the nurse had said. He got SO upset with that nurse, basically saying "how dare you try and push your own belief's on my patient. This is absurd!" Needless to say, about 5 mins later, the anesthesiologist came in and gave me an epidural. What an amazing blessing modern medicine is!!! Seriously!!! It was good that I did finally get an epidural since we ended up doing an emergency c-section (still wasn't dilated to a 5 btw.) If i had waited until I was dilated to a 5 Jenni probably would have suffocated. From what I have read, the idea that you should wait until you're dilated to a 5 is a really old practice, and my nurse was fairly old. Note to self: you are in control of your health care, and if you don't like what is happening, SAY SOMETHING!!! Almost every nurse I've ever had (and I've had a lot of them!) has been more than willing to work with me when something isn't going like I want it to. As much as I love my doctors, the nurses are really what make a health care experience good or bad. I've been blessed to have had (mostly) great nurses!
The idea that an epidural should be 'elective' is ludicrous. Seriously. So I say to you Sen. Dan Liljenquist R-Bountiful, you are OUT OF YOUR MIND!! Steve called me a while after we talked about it to say that Doug Wright was talking about this on his show, basically saying the same thing I am saying. He said something along the lines of "Husbands, don't even try and mention being able to save money by going naturally. You'll probably get kicked in the face."
Seriously. Elective Epidural??? ELECTIVE????? crazy.....
well, ALAS!!! this post is long enough. I've had my fill of venting. I'm going to go see if I can fix the backgrounds on my blog and my mom's blog.
k, thats all!
later cyber-sisters!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:49 AM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day

The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 1:24 PM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Friday, May 28, 2010
The picture isn't super clear, there are other videos on youtube with a clearer picture, but they don't have the audio commentary. Just one more example of ordinary people doing extraordinary things!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 12:22 AM 3 peeps decided to say stuff
Friday, May 21, 2010
11 down . . . 29 to go!
Ok, I think I'm pretty much past the miscarriage point now, so I figure we can tell everyone now. I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are SO VERY excited. We've been trying for over 2 years, and had a miscarriage just over a year ago, so this is really so special for us! We were worried about miscarriage since I've had 2 of them, which is why we decided to wait until we were past that point before we told everyone. With my first miscarriage we told everyone pretty much the day we found out, and I miscarried a week later. You'd be surprised how fast some news travels, and how long it takes to get other news out! It was really hard the next few weeks telling people that I wasn't pregnant anymore.
I have been SO sick. I mean, I was sick with my other two pregnancies, but I didn't throw up much. I can hardly keep anything down now. I've lost 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks alone. It's crazy! My abs have been getting a serious workout from all the dry-heaving! It's so worth it though! I mean, being sick like this is so much easier to deal with because I know its for a good reason! I was actually pregnant when I went in for surgery in March. We didn't know it at the time of course, but I was about 3 weeks then. When I think back about that it makes me realize just how very blessed we are. A lot can go wrong in any pregnancy, but surgery, especially in the abdominal area is not recommended when you're pregnant. The fact that I didn't miscarry this one just amazes me!
Things have changed alot. I'm not working at the hospital anymore, my leave of absence ended before my dr cleared me to go back to work, and my supervisor couldn't hold the position. I was supremely bummed. I really loved my job. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I have been so sick that I wouldn't have been able to work anyway. (Patients don't really like it when you throw up on them. It tends to get negative feedback!) I was approved for unemployment benefits, so that has helped. I'm looking for another job, but I'd really like to go back to a hospital. I really feel like I'm in my element there.
Steve's job is the same. He doesn't really like it, but he's a trooper! He's (hopefully) enrolling at the University of Phoenix soon. We really need to get his degree. We can't live in this apartment forever! We talked to a counselor who walked us through the requirements and stuff, and it looks like all of Steve's credits from UVU will transfer over, and he already has 48 credits there. Also, he'll be going for his bachelors instead of his associates like he was at UVU. It feels right, but a lot of things have to happen before its final. (Like the counselor calling us back for one! we've left 2 messages and she hasn't replied.)
Jenni and Joe-joe are great, as usual! Jenni likes her new school, but really misses her old one. She asked me the other day why we couldn't just move back in with grandma and grandpa again. She liked that. Try explaining self-sufficiency to a 7 year old. Kinda difficult. But she's still doing really well in school. She is an AMAZING reader! And she likes to read, which really helps! Joe-joe is so excited to be a big brother. Every time its his turn to pray, he always blesses mommy and the baby in her tummy. (He also always prays that no one will "get in a crash and die". We're not really sure where that came from! He just started saying it.)
Anyway, I'll end my novel now. I'll try to post a little more frequently! I know it's been a while! :)
ok thats all.
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 6:59 PM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
Dear Jan, Jenn, Ry-ry and Ethan-
Happy happy birthday from all of us to you, we hope you had a great day, and all your dreams come true!!
Jan, Jenn, Ry-ry, and Ethan all share today (the 25th) as their birthday. April is SUCH a busy birthday month for us!! Not only are the four above April birthdays, but we also have Joe-joe, Alisha (Ry-ry's wife), and Melissa (Dave's wife). (I'm pretty sure there is at least one more, but I can't remember who right now. If it's you, and I forgot, SORRY!!)
Anyway, it's late and I'm uber tired, so I'm going to be now!
Later all!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:50 PM 2 peeps decided to say stuff
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What to write about . . . .
Just so you're all aware, I don't like april fools day either. I didn't really want to do anything, but Steve really did, and he thought all y'all's responses were so funny!! He says the only reason you guys don't like April Fools is cause you all fell for it! I have to admit, I didn't think people would actually believe it. Go me!
As of this week, I have officially lost 37 pounds! Woo Hoo!!
Really, I can't think of anything to write about. Things are going well for us. I had my surgery, which went well. They found some endometriosis, which they removed, but I was still having a lot of pain. After talking to my Primary care dr. and my psychiatrist we (finally) decided to go back on Subutex. I have taken it before, with great success, but my Dr's were hesitant to put me back on it unless it was totally necessary (long story). Subutex is generally used to treat heroine addiction, but they've found recently that it very effective when treating chronic pain. Granted, most people who use it for heroine addiction treatment are on 3-4 times the amount I'm on. But I've found that a really small dose works really well for me. It's nice to not have to stress about being on narcotics, and the roller coaster ride they put you on. When I would miss a dose of the Lortab, I noticed it almost immediately. With the Subutex, I've missed one or even two days in a row before, and didn't even hardly notice. And I only have to take this once a day. What a blessing!! It's so nice to feel good again! Really, what a blessing!!
Speaking of blessings, my niece Emma said the cutest thing the other day! (Ems, I hope you aren't mad that I'm blogging about this, but I was just so impressed by it! It's totally stuck with me!) We went over to return Daniel's truck that we borrowed, and Daniel, Emma and Matthew were outside doing some yard work. I noticed Emma had a scratch on her face. It started on her cheek and went diagonally up past her eye and up in between her eyebrows. It really went RIGHT next to her eye. Almost scratching her tear duct. I asked her what happened, and she told me she fell into a bar. Daniel explained that they were doing some concrete work (I think) and they had rebar sticking out of the ground in a few places. Emma was running to the house, and tripped, falling straight into the rebar. If she had fallen even a centimeter to the side, she very well could have lost her eye. After Daniel told what happened, Emma turns to ma and says "It was such a blessing because it didn't hit my eye. I was so blessed." It was SO cute! It's just amazing how she recognized it! Even if she was told by someone, the fact that she knows and remembers that is just . . . just great. I told her that she was blessed like that because she was such a good girl. What a cutie!
ok, it's time for me to go to bed now. Again, sorry Ems if I stole your story! I was just very impressed with Emma!
ok, I can sleep easier tonight, cause I finally did a post! Yay me!!!
k, thats all. Later!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:42 PM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Don't be mad
Steve and I have some somewhat exciting news, although I'm sure some of you won't like it!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 1:57 PM 9 peeps decided to say stuff
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Here we go again . . .
Ok, so once again, I have to fire myself! I can't believe I'm SO very bad at posting! Steve has had to start posting just to keep people informed! ACK! I love that Steve started posting though! He came to me on Jenni's birthday and told me to do a post, but I was busy, so I told him to! He is so cute!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 6:53 PM 4 peeps decided to say stuff
Saturday, February 27, 2010
WoW when did we get a seven year old

The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:25 AM 6 peeps decided to say stuff
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Pity Party and you are invited!! by: Steve
So last Saturday I took the time to, not only compose a new post but, changed the look of the blog changed and removed the Christmas music. Did anyone even make a comment "I think not". Two days later Chell posts a quick hi to all and comments are coming out of the wood works, ok so only 3 but you get my point. Maby I'll Just not post any more. if no one likes me I'll just stop posting. So this is what you have to do comment and let me know you are out there. Or don't and I'll just go away. ITS UP TO YOU!
in the mean time and between time see ya.
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 11:00 PM 8 peeps decided to say stuff
Monday, February 15, 2010
quick hello
Just thought I'd say a quick hello! I've been so bad at posting lately, but I do have a somewhat good reason. I've been picking up a ton of extra shifts at work the past two months. I do this every once in a while because the extra pay is super nice, although I usually only do it a week at a time. This time, the two months was WAY too much. Just about killed me off. But only one more (VERY LONG) week to go, and I'll be back to my schedule of two days a week, which isn't at all bad. Hopefully I'll have more time to post. As for the rest of this week . . . I'm working tue, wed, thurs, fri, and saturday so you probably won't hear from me until at least Sunday. (and probably not even then since it usually takes me a few days to recover)
Things here have been going good. We're looking for a new apartment, but it's going slow with me working so much. We were shooting for March 1st to be in our own apartment, but it doesn't look super good for that right now. Who knows- maybe we'll find something great in just one day, and maybe it will take us weeks to find something passable. You never know with apartments! I'll try to keep you posted.
Anyway, I've been up most of the night with jaw issues (root canal on friday didn't go so well - another story altogether) so I'm going to go lay down for a while. I'm so glad Jenni doesn't have school today! She keeps Joe entertained well!
k, thats all! Bye for now! :)
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 8:55 AM 5 peeps decided to say stuff
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dont die. We havent
OK OK so its been a long time since the last post with any relevant info. Sorry, we have been having PC issues . Things are going well.
Just last Friday I (Steve) called my brother and jokingly said so what time are we leaving today, (I was making reference to the BYU vs. UNLV Basketball game at UNLV. We had not made any plans to go to the game.) He said were are we going? UNLV - he answered his own question.
I said " BYU is playing"
He said "ok lets go how much are tickets"
"I don't know..."
To make a long story short- through texting back and forth all day we made plans bought tickets and left for Las Vegas at 6:00 Saturday morning. We got to Vegas 2 hours before game time so we did some window shopping at some outdoor outlet mall in the rain. F-u-n fun. When we got to the game, a sell out, we hiked to are seats, that were on the last row up in the rafters. We were sitting by two men from Gwynns Falls New York, the home town of Jimmer Ferdett. It was nice to be next to some non UNLV fans. The game was fun even though BYU lost.
The best part was that my brother and I got to spend some time together. Or maybe the drive back in white out snow conditions. Its probably been since I was in high school, over ten years ago, the last time I spent that much quality time with my brother.
Thanks Alisha and Chelle we had a good time.
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 9:30 AM 1 peeps decided to say stuff
Thursday, February 11, 2010
just for mom
you told me I had to write a post, so there. It's done.
sorry mom! I couldn't resist! I will write more later!! I'll shoot for today but I make no guarantee! Love you!
The peeps that wrote it - Steve and Chelle at 10:18 AM 2 peeps decided to say stuff